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John Hartley Mark Bransby Utilizing Adobe's Publishing Solutions for Distributed Web Publishing.

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Presentation on theme: "John Hartley Mark Bransby Utilizing Adobe's Publishing Solutions for Distributed Web Publishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Hartley Mark Bransby Utilizing Adobe's Publishing Solutions for Distributed Web Publishing

2 Who we are: John Hartley Webmaster Alabama Cooperative Extension System Mark Bransby Webmaster Auburn University College of Agriculture Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station

3 Adobe Publishing System What is it? Why use it? How is it used? How does it work? Issues and considerations

4 What Is It?

5 What is it? CPS Server Web Server Dreamweaver Contribute Client

6 Contribute Client Workflow Browse Edit (Review) Publish


8 Web Publishing System Workflow A content management solution made up of both server side and client side software

9 Why Use It?

10 Why use it? Advantages of using a content management system Content providers update their own content Designers keep control of the overall look and feel

11 Why use it? Empowers content providers to update as often as they want or need. Familiar tools and interface makes it easy Gives content providers a sense of ownership and encourages productivity Check in/out prevents overwriting of colleagues’ files Work flow process allows for review

12 Why use it? Power of templating Design & content responsibility distributed Compatibility with multiple platforms, web technologies, W3C standards, ADA/508 Affordability - licensing Scalability Detailed log files & rollbacks

13 How is it used?

14 Users can… Edit images with built-in image editing tools Import content from MS Office applications Create and add PDF and Embedded PDF (Flash Paper) into their sites Blog editing and posting (xml-rpc) Add Flash & video directly or embed from external sites Edit content of Spry menus (CSS based pop-up, horizontal/vertical) Send drafts for review (workflow process)


16 How does it work?

17 CPS Contribute Publishing Server Does not need a high powered machine or excessive bandwidth Windows XP, Windows 2003, Linux, and Solaris® servers, or any J2EE application environment Built on a limited install of ColdFusion Server Independent of web server (Software or Platform) Unix (Apache, others) Windows (IIS, Apache) Linux (Apache, others) OS X (Apache, others)

18 CPS Independent of what scripting and database integration you are using ASP, PHP, JSP, JavaScript, ColdFusion mySQL, Access, SQL Server, Oracle User Directory/LDAP(S) integration Uses either file-based user directory or ties to LDAP

19 CPS Security LDAP(S) User Authentication SFTP so no plain text username and passwords Limit Access to CPS server by IP requiring users to either be on campus or on the VPN

20 Dreamweaver Site Definition

21 Dreamweaver Templates Templates designed in Dreamweaver Can contain php, asp, jsp, cf, etc. Editable regions are defined Template property creation Can use CSS for design Set library items (assets) Administer in Contribute option

22 Administrators can… Control template access Restrict editing abilities See usage logs Distribute custom resources Group users by role Adjust role permissions and memberships on the fly









31 Contribute User Administration Roles are defined (ex. Administrator, Publisher, Writer, Custom) Folder access Publish access Styles and Fonts (CSS) Shared Assets Images (Max size & file size) Individual users are assigned to a particular role within each site definition. Contribute client software is licensed for each machine
















47 Issues No forms Training end users what options to choose and most importantly WHY! No method to email all users in application to notify of changes to templates etc.

48 Considerations Careful planning Converting existing site or integrating new site Determining site definition Role distribution and management User training Best practices, policies, and guidelines

49 Questions? Our Contact Info: John HartleyMark Bransby 334-844-4455334-844-5494 Download:


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