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Five Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner

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1 Five Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner

2 Howard Gardner Howard Gardner is currently the Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is the author of 29 books published in over thirty different languages. He is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences introduced in the late 1970’s. He critiques the standard view of intellect, and proposes that we as humans have multiple intelligences. He has spent considerable time on Project Zero, in which he and other colleagues design performance based assessments using the multiple intelligence theory to achieve more personalized curriculum, and instruction.

3 Five Minds for the Future
The author challenges his readers to think progressively in the 21st century. He refers to this generation as information overload, attributed to the internet and social media. He discusses five cognitive abilities that he believes will be vital in the years to come. Through these cognitive abilities readers will be well equipped to deal with what is expected and the unexpected.

4 Disciplined Mind Gardner says that the disciplined mind should master at least one major school of thought and one professional craft. He believes that we should have a solid foundation to learn from, based on traditional schools of thought. Science, Math, History The disciplined mind can focus on a subject or craft and speak knowledgeably about their field. The benefit of the disciplined mind is to allow us to build upon our current knowledge so that our growth continues.

5 Synthesizing Mind Synthesizing Mind builds upon the disciplined mind.
We are now using the information we gained through our disciplined mind to integrate different ideas among other disciplines and professions. Gardner introduces a communication component in this area. In order to thrive in the future years, we need to speak to others using proper verbiage and vocabulary across other practices and professions. The benefit of this mind is to integrate ideas, and communicate these ideas with others outside of our profession or expertise respectfully, and knowledgeably.

6 Creating Mind Ask questions Think Critically Clarify Issues
This cognitive mind reminded me of a liberal arts education, learning to think on our own, and think critically, and to question everything. I believe that the creating mind is important because Gardner gives his readers an opportunity to think on our own, and to stay one step ahead of the rapidly changing world.

7 Respectful Mind Ethical Mind
Awareness Appreciation of differences among human beings. Treating everyone as equal Dealing more with relationships with this thought process that our previous cognitive minds. Emphasizes humility Dealing with people as opposed to cognitive thought processes. Fulfilling responsibilities as a professional and in society. The ethical mind reminds us that we should take pride in our work and our society to make the right choice and be true to all.

8 References Gardner, H. (2006). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.

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