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Market Surveillance in Germany 1 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva Dr. Christoph Brandt Chairman of the Working Committee for Market Surveillance.

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Presentation on theme: "Market Surveillance in Germany 1 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva Dr. Christoph Brandt Chairman of the Working Committee for Market Surveillance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Surveillance in Germany 1 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva Dr. Christoph Brandt Chairman of the Working Committee for Market Surveillance Authority of Environment and Health Hamburg

2 Market Surveillance in Germany 2 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva Legal foundations: Equipment Safety Act (GSG) with decrees (GSGV) competency: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affaires Product Safety Act (ProdSG) competency: Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture

3 Market Surveillance in Germany 3 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva low voltage equipment73/23/EWG simple pressure vessels87/404/EWG pressure equipment97/23/EG toys88/378/EWG machinery98/79/EG personal protective equipment89/686/EWG gas appliances90/396/EWG potentially explosive atmospheres94/9/EG recreational craft94/25/EG lifts95/16/EG general product safety92/59/EWG

4 Market Surveillance in Germany 4 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva

5 Market Surveillance in Germany 5 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva execution through 84 labour inspectorates

6 Market Surveillance in Germany 6 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva advantages: market surveillance all over the country with competency of one administration for several directives disadvantages: no coordination no mutual information

7 Market Surveillance in Germany 7 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva Coordination through the Working Committee for Market Surveillance Members: authorities for the Device Safety and Product Safety Law the federal representatives for the directives appointed by the Bundesrat Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affaires Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Central Body of the German States for Security Techniques

8 Market Surveillance in Germany 8 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva Tasks of the Market Surveillance Working Committee coordination stipulation of strategy evaluation exchange of experience contacts for industry, trade und consumer

9 Market Surveillance in Germany 9 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva approx. 40.000 checked devices / p. a. reactive market surveillance

10 Market Surveillance in Germany 10 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva active market surveillance approx. 6.000 checked devices / p. a. visiting of exhibitions approx. 3.800 checked devices / p. a.

11 Market Surveillance in Germany 11 Forum on Market Surveillance 29 October in Geneva Ich danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Thank you for your attention! Je remercie pour votre attention!

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