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Heraldry Block 7 By: Trevor M Jackson M Keerthana A Jake J HERALDRY ROCKS;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Presentation on theme: "Heraldry Block 7 By: Trevor M Jackson M Keerthana A Jake J HERALDRY ROCKS;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heraldry Block 7 By: Trevor M Jackson M Keerthana A Jake J HERALDRY ROCKS;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

2 What is Heraldy? Heraldy is the study of coats arms: The proffession or study of the devising and granting of coats of arms and of determining who is entitled to bear them. Coats of arms: Coats of arms and the symbols and conventions connected with them.

3 Why is Heraldry Important to the legend of King Arthur? Heraldry, (also known as "The Coat of Arms") began to be used as a traditional device in England in the Mid-Evil times. Heraldry is important because it is known to help knights in battle and in Mid-Evil battle tournaments called Jousts.

4 How long has Heraldry been around? Using a coat of arms goes all the way back to Roman times, maby even further back. " "Some consider heraldry borne out of the pre- dynastic Egyptians." In Roman times, a coat of arm was used to identify groups of fighting men within the Roman legion." Your coat of arms is the special symbol of your family, it was very important in Roman times, each item in your coat of arms had a meaning. A picture of a lion may mean a warrior in your family had no fear of anything.

5 Where was Heraldry taking place Heraldry was taking place in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Netherlands

6 3 Questions we have 1. Analyze the "Short Hand History." 2.When was Heraldry constructed? 3.How did Heraldry develop?

7 2 Cool facts about Heraldry 1. The colors present on a coat of arms have meaning. 2. The coat of arms became more popular as the years passed, so the likehood of the same two families using the same symbol was high.

8 Charges It is a symbolic represtentation of a person, animal, plant or an object. There are several charges such as an eagle,lion, or any image occupying the feild they are in. The charges are usually recorded, so they will not be copied by other people

9 Bibliography google images at+is+heraldry&FORM=DTPDIA&adlt=strict

10 The End!!!

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