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Freshmen“Old Testament” “It All begins with Genesis” Creation, Evolution and Big Bang what does it all mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Freshmen“Old Testament” “It All begins with Genesis” Creation, Evolution and Big Bang what does it all mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshmen“Old Testament” “It All begins with Genesis” Creation, Evolution and Big Bang what does it all mean?

2 I. Goals: A. The first and major goal is that you begin to build a solid Biblical worldview. Any worldview is most of all determined by a person’s understanding of God. This unit will instill in you the learner a love for God’s Word and His world. This unit will help you discern the various worldviews that drive much of what you see and hear in our secular culture.

3 B. The second goal is closely connected to the first. Since the book of Genesis (chapters 1-11) is the foundation for the Christian worldview, it will be the focus for our in-depth study. The origin of every doctrine of Christianity–Creation, Fall, judgment and redemption–is found in Genesis.

4 C. The third goal is to help you observe, interpret and apply the Biblical text. You will see for yourself what the Word teaches about God’s creative act and why it is a better explanation than evolution and/or the Big Bang.

5 II. Topics to be covered:

6 A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”.

7 II. Topics to be covered: A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”. B. The Trinity in Creation

8 II. Topics to be covered: A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”. B. The Trinity in Creation C. The Days of Creation

9 II. Topics to be covered: A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”. B. The Trinity in Creation C. The Days of Creation D. The Age of God’s World

10 II. Topics to be covered: A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”. B. The Trinity in Creation C. The Days of Creation D. The Age of God’s World E. The creation of “man”

11 II. Topics to be covered: A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”. B. The Trinity in Creation C. The Days of Creation D. The Age of God’s World E. The creation of “man” F. A world without “sin”

12 II. Topics to be covered: A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”. B. The Trinity in Creation C. The Days of Creation D. The Age of God’s World E. The creation of “man” F. A world without “sin” G. Recognizing different worldviews in Scripture, Culture and Science

13 II. Topics to be covered: A. Importance of knowing our “worldview”. B. The Trinity in Creation C. The Days of Creation D. The Age of God’s World E. The creation of “man” F. A world without “sin” G. Recognizing different worldviews in Scripture, Culture and Science H. What about “evil, temptation and sin”

14 II. Topics to be covered: I. The fallen world

15 II. Topics to be covered: I. The fallen world J. Life in the fallen world

16 II. Topics to be covered: I. The fallen world J. Life in the fallen world K. The Flood–local, global or what

17 II. Topics to be covered: I. The fallen world J. Life in the fallen world K. The Flood–local, global or what L. Noah’s Ark

18 II. Topics to be covered: I. The fallen world J. Life in the fallen world K. The Flood–local, global or what L. Noah’s Ark M. Dinosaurs and the Flood

19 II. Topics to be covered: I. The fallen world J. Life in the fallen world K. The Flood–local, global or what L. Noah’s Ark M. Dinosaurs and the Flood N. Different languages– Different peoples– Different nations–How did it all happen?

20 II. Topics to be covered: I. The fallen world J. Life in the fallen world K. The Flood–local, global or what L. Noah’s Ark M. Dinosaurs and the Flood N. Different languages– Different peoples– Different nations–How did it all happen? O. Your questions, thoughts and observations!

21 III. Resources: A. The Bible B. C. It All begins with Genesis–Learning to think Biblically about the world, by Sheila Richardson and Answers In Genesis

22 Lesson One “More Than One Way to Look at Our World” A. When people look at the same event or object, they often think very different things. It’s as if everyone wears different eyeglasses, and therefore each has a different view of what is really there.

23 B. Example: What do you see and/or what do you think about the following?

24 1. Someone made this cake.

25 B. Example: What do you see and/or what do you think about the following? 1. Someone made this cake. 2. Someone bought this cake.

26 B. Example: What do you see and/or what do you think about the following? 1. Someone made this cake. 2. Someone bought this cake. 3. Cake tastes good.

27 B. Example: What do you see and/or what do you think about the following? 1. Someone made this cake. 2. Someone bought this cake. 3. Cake tastes good. 4. Cake is too sweet.

28 B. Example: What do you see and/or what do you think about the following? 1. Someone made this cake. 2. Someone bought this cake. 3. Cake tastes good. 4. Cake is too sweet. 5. Cake is good for you.

29 B. Example: What do you see and/or what do you think about the following? 1. Someone made this cake. 2. Someone bought this cake. 3. Cake tastes good. 4. Cake is too sweet. 5. Cake is good for you. 6. Cake is bad for you

30 7. How might the following individuals view this cake?

31 a. A sport’s trainer?

32 7. How might the following individuals view this cake? a. A sport’s trainer? b. A dietician?

33 7. How might the following individuals view this cake? a. A sport’s trainer? b. A dietician? c. A diabetic?

34 7. How might the following individuals view this cake? a. A sport’s trainer? b. A dietician? c. A diabetic? d. A cake decorator?

35 7. How might the following individuals view this cake? a. A sport’s trainer? b. A dietician? c. A diabetic? d. A cake decorator? e. A five year old child?

36 7. How might the following individuals view this cake? a. A sport’s trainer? b. A dietician? c. A diabetic? d. A cake decorator? e. A five year old child? f. Why do they each have a different view of the cake?

37 C. When people think about God what different ideas do they have?

38 1. There is no God.

39 C. When people think about God what different ideas do they have? 1. There is no God. 2. God is a kind old grandfather.

40 C. When people think about God what different ideas do they have? 1. There is no God. 2. God is a kind old grandfather. 3. Everything is God.

41 C. When people think about God what different ideas do they have? 1. There is no God. 2. God is a kind old grandfather. 3. Everything is God. 4. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal and ever-present.

42 D. When people look at the world, what different ideas do they have?

43 1. God created the world.

44 D. When people look at the world, what different ideas do they have? 1. God created the world. 2. The world evolved by chance.

45 E. When people look at themselves, what different ideas do they have?

46 1. Man is just a cosmic accident.

47 E. When people look at themselves, what different ideas do they have? 1. Man is just a cosmic accident. 2. Man was created in the image of God.

48 E. When people look at themselves, what different ideas do they have? 1. Man is just a cosmic accident. 2. Man was created in the image of God. 3. Man came from slime.

49 E. When people look at themselves, what different ideas do they have? 1. Man is just a cosmic accident. 2. Man was created in the image of God. 3. Man came from slime. 4. There is no purpose for man’s life.

50 E. When people look at themselves, what different ideas do they have? 1. Man is just a cosmic accident. 2. Man was created in the image of God. 3. Man came from slime. 4. There is no purpose for man’s life. 5. Man has a special purpose.

51 F. Put the following words in a order that gives us a good working definition for “worldview”. “WORLD AT TOTAL A LOOKING THE OF WAY”

52 F. Put the following words in a order that gives us a good working definition for “worldview”. “WORLD AT TOTAL A LOOKING THE OF WAY” 1. “A total way of looking at the world”

53 F. Put the following words in a order that gives us a good working definition for “worldview”. “WORLD AT TOTAL A LOOKING THE OF WAY” 1. “A total way of looking at the world” 2. “A way of looking at the total world”

54 G. Here are some other ideas that help us to understand “worldview”.

55 1. A worldview is what you believe about the world.

56 G. Here are some other ideas that help us to understand “worldview”. 1. A worldview is what you believe about the world. 2. A worldview is the “big picture” of life.

57 H. Our worldview will help us to answer the following important questions:

58 1. From where did I come?

59 H. Our worldview will help us to answer the following important questions: 1. From where did I come? 2. Who am I?

60 H. Our worldview will help us to answer the following important questions: 1. From where did I come? 2. Who am I? 3. Why am I here?

61 H. Our worldview will help us to answer the following important questions: 1. From where did I come? 2. Who am I? 3. Why am I here? 4. Where am I going?

62 H. Our worldview will help us to answer the following important questions: 1. From where did I come? 2. Who am I? 3. Why am I here? 4. Where am I going? 5. Why do bad things happen?

63 H. Our worldview will help us to answer the following important questions: 1. From where did I come? 2. Who am I? 3. Why am I here? 4. Where am I going? 5. Why do bad things happen? 6. How then should I live?

64 I. Our worldview comes from only two sources.





69 J. Troubling Questions…

70 1.What do we see as we look at our world through the lens of man’s theories or secular history?

71 J. Troubling Questions… 1.What do we see as we look at our world through the lens of man’s theories or secular history? 2. What is taught in almost every public pre-school, elementary school, Jr. High School, High School, College, University and Graduate College in the United States of America?

72 3. What do we usually see and hear on cable shows like Discovery, Nature, CNN, MSNBC, Sci-Fi Channel?

73 4. What do we read about in Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, National Geographic, The New York Times?

74 3. What do we usually see and hear on cable shows like Discovery, Nature, CNN, MSNBC, Sci-Fi Channel? 4. What do we read about in Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, National Geographic, The New York Times? 5. What do we see in the movies Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Independence Day?

75 6. And what do we even hear from some Christian Churches, Christian Theologians and leading Church Leaders?

76 K. Promotion of a popular worldview!










86 L. If “man” is the starting point and he makes all of the rules and decisions then what follows?








94 What is needed to make…. these last?????


96 A Firm Foundation !!!!

97 Or this happens!

98 24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash. “ Matthew 7:24-27

99 M. How we view things or on what we build our foundation does make a difference in our life and living.

100 N. What about the “other” world view?




104 Wow!! And to think that God made it all for us.

105 1. What would happen if we looked at our world from God’s perspective?

106 2. What would happen if we looked at things through the lens of God’s Word?

107 1. What would happen if we looked at our world from God’s perspective? 2. What would happen if we looked at things through the lens of God’s Word? 3. What do you think we would see, understand or discover?








115 4. We need to understand that a battle is going on!

116 God ’ s Word

117 Man ’ s Opinion

118 God ’ s Word Man ’ s Opinion

119 God ’ s Word Man ’ s Opinion

120 God ’ s Word Man ’ s Opinion

121 God ’ s Word Man ’ s Opinion

122 God ’ s Word Man ’ s Opinion

123 God ’ s Word Man ’ s Opinion

124 God ’ s Word

125 Man ’ s constant attack on God ’ s foundation





130 Isn’t Time: 5.Isn’t it time to exchange that which “feels good” for that which “makes sense”?

131 Isn’t Time: 5.Isn’t it time to exchange that which “feels good” for that which “makes sense”? 6. Isn’t time to do “what is right” over against “whatever floats your boat”?

132 Isn’t Time: 5.Isn’t it time to exchange that which “feels good” for that which “makes sense”? 6. Isn’t time to do “what is right” over against “whatever floats your boat”? 7. Isn’t it time to exchange the “shifting sands” for the “solid rock”?

133 Isn’t Time: 5.Isn’t it time to exchange that which “feels good” for that which “makes sense”? 6. Isn’t time to do “what is right” over against “whatever floats your boat”? 7. Isn’t it time to exchange the “shifting sands” for the “solid rock”? 8. It is time to reestablish the Foundation of our existence and that which gives meaning and purpose to our life and living.

134 9. When people have different ideas about something, such as who made the cake in our earlier picture, what is the best way to discover what is really true? Which of the following is the best way to settle the matter?

135 a. Ask your best friend what he/she thinks?

136 b. Ask your boss?

137 a. Ask your best friend what he/she thinks? b. Ask your boss? c. Look in the newspaper?

138 a. Ask your best friend what he/she thinks? b. Ask your boss? c. Look in the newspaper? d. Ask our pastors?

139 a. Ask your best friend what he/she thinks? b. Ask your boss? c. Look in the newspaper? d. Ask our pastors? e. Ask the eyewitness who was there when the cake was made or brought?

140 f. When it comes to questions about who God is, what He is like, who made the world, who made you or why you were made, was there an eyewitness?

141 g. Do we have that eyewitness report written down anywhere?

142 f. When it comes to questions about who God is, what He is like, who made the world, who made you or why you were made, was there an eyewitness? g. Do we have that eyewitness report written down anywhere? h. Finally considering your answer to the last question, where should we look to find truth that will give us the answers to all those hard worldview questions?

143 i. Can we trust what we read in the Bible?

144 i. Can we trust what we read in the Bible? O. What does the Bible say about itself? 1. Psalm 119:142

145 i. Can we trust what we read in the Bible? O. What does the Bible say about itself? 1. Psalm 119:142 “Your righteousness is everlasting and your law is true.”

146 i. Can we trust what we read in the Bible? O. What does the Bible say about itself? 1. Psalm 119:142 “Your righteousness is everlasting and your law is true.” So God’s Word is “true”!

147 2. John 1:14

148 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

149 2. John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” God’s Word is “alive” and it is “full of grace and truth”!

150 3. John 14:6

151 “Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

152 3. John 14:6 “Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” God’s Word is the only way to “truth” and “eternal life”.

153 3. John 14:6 “Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” God’s Word is the only way to “truth” and “eternal life”. The only way to the “Father” is through the living “Word”.

154 4. John 17:17 “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” God’s Word makes us “holy/sanctified”. His Word is “truth”!

155 5. II Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,” Every “word” of scripture is God’s Word. God’s Word is “useful” for life and living!



158 Some final Questions:

159 1. What difference does it make whether you are a special creation of God or you simply came from slime?

160 Some final Questions: 1. What difference does it make whether you are a special creation of God or you simply came from slime? 2. What difference would it make in your worldview?

161 Some final Questions: 1. What difference does it make whether you are a special creation of God or you simply came from slime? 2. What difference would it make in your worldview? 3. What difference would it make in how you live?

162 Our response will have “Eternal Consequences”!!

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