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Presentation on theme: "Decimals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decimals

2 What is a Decimal?

3 Learning Goals Decimals are another way of writing fractions.
Decimals are read in the same way as fractions are read. The decimal point separates the whole number part and the fraction part of a decimal number For a decimal less than 1, a 0 is written in the ones place.

4 What is a decimal? A decimal is a part of a whole.

5 Think about money. One dollar, 4 dimes, and 3 pennies is written in decimal form. $1.43

6 It takes 10 dimes to make 1 dollar, so a dime is one-tenth of a dollar.
One dollar is equal to 10 dimes.

7 One dime is equal to 10 pennies.
It takes 100 pennies to make a dollar, so each penny is equal to one-hundredth of a dollar. One dime is equal to 10 pennies.

8 It takes 10 dimes to make 1 dollar, so a dime is one-tenth of a dollar.
$0.10 = one dime It takes 100 pennies to make 1 dollar, so a penny is one-hundredth of a dollar. $0.01 = one penny

9 71 cents 6 cents 119 cents 215 cents
Practice writing these amounts of money as decimals in your notebook. 71 cents Click here to check your answers. 6 cents 119 cents 215 cents

10 Money is one way we use decimals every day, but decimals are used for more than just money.

11 Decimals are special fractions with certain multiples of ten in the denominator.
= 0.1 = 0.01 one tenth one hundredth = = 0.001 one thousandth one ten-thousandth

12 Decimals can also be shown on the place value chart.

13 Everything to the right of the decimal point is PART of a whole.
Everything to the left of the decimal point is a WHOLE number.

14 This shows 14 (fourteen) spiders.

15 This shows 115 (one hundred fifteen) candy-corns.
Really! Count them.

16 Remember the dime. It was less than one whole
Remember the dime? It was less than one whole. It was only a part of 1 whole dollar. 1 dime = $0.10, so we will write it in the tenths and hundredths place value positions.

17 $0.10 = 0.1 ten hundredths = one tenth
There are no whole dollars, only part of a whole.

18 A penny is also only a part of 1 whole dollar. 1 penny = $0
A penny is also only a part of 1 whole dollar. 1 penny = $0.01 since it is one hundredth of a dollar we will write it in the hundredths place value position.

19 A quarter is also less than 1 whole dollar. 1 quarter = $0
A quarter is also less than 1 whole dollar. 1 quarter = $0.25, so we will write it in the tenths and hundredths place value positions.

20 1 3 4 0 0 0 7 and one hundred thirty -four seven ten-thousandths
Decimal = AND 1 3 4

21 Remember, decimals are special fractions with certain multiples of ten in the denominator.
= 0.1 = 0.01 one tenth one hundredth = = 0.001 one thousandth one ten-thousandth

22 Decimals show parts of wholes in divisions of ten.
tenths one whole

23 hundredths thousandths
Decimals can show parts of wholes in divisions of hundreds or thousands.

24 tenths one hundredths thousandths

25 Now practice writing and saying some decimals
Now practice writing and saying some decimals. (Write your answers in your notebook. Then check your work by clicking below.) What portion of the square is green? What portion of the square is yellow? Click here for the answer.

26 4 (or four tenths) of the square is green
0.4 (or four tenths) of the square is green (six tenths) of the square is yellow (Does this match what you wrote on your paper?) 0.4 0.6 Click here to hear the answer. Click here and try another one!

27 How many hundredths are red?
Click here to find out. How many hundredths are yellow?

28 32 hundredths are red, 0.32 68 hundredths are yellow, 0.68 Click to hear the answer. Click here and try another one!

29 How many thousandths are purple?
How many are blue? Don’t forget to write your answers down! Check your answer here.

30 872 thousandths are purple. This number is written 0.872
128 thousandths are blue. This number is written 0.128 Did you check your work? More Click this button to hear the numbers.

31 How many thousandths are green?
How many thousandths are blue? Check your answers here.

32 44 thousandths 0.044 are green. 956 thousandths 0.956 are blue.
More Click this button to hear the numbers.

33 0.4 < 0.6 four tenths is LESS THAN six tenths
Compare these decimals. 0.4 < 0.6 four tenths is LESS THAN six tenths

34 = 0.4 0.40 four tenths IS EQUAL TO forty hundredths
Compare these decimals. = 0.4 0.40 four tenths IS EQUAL TO forty hundredths

35 > > 0.8 0.08 0.008 eight tenths is greater than eight hundredths
eight hundredths is greater than eight thousandths > > 0.8 0.08 0.008

36 Compare these decimals using <, >, or =.
A and 0.7 B and 0.3 Check your answers.

37 B > 0.3 A < 0.7 0.39 0.6 Click to hear the answers. 0.7 0.3

38 Compare these decimals using <, >, or =.
C and 0.56 D and 0.2 Check your answers.

39 C < 0.56 D = 0.2 0.54 0.20 Click to hear the answers. 0.56 0.2


41 Homework Grade 5 – pgs ; Q’s 1, 4, 6, 7 Grade 6 – Read pg 115; page 116 Q’s 1-4

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