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ECE 265 – LECTURE 12 The Hardware Interface 8/22/2015 1 ECE265.

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1 ECE 265 – LECTURE 12 The Hardware Interface 8/22/2015 1 ECE265

2 Lecture Overview  The Hardware Interface  The pins  Special Characteristics of the ports  Software control of I/O Port lines  REF: Chapters 1,6, and 9 plus the 68HC11 reference manual. 8/22/2015 2 ECE265

3 The hardware pins  The hardware pins  Power and Ground  Timing  Interrupt  Port A – I/O lines (restricted in how used)  Port B – Output extended addressing  Port C – Bidirectional I/O  Port D – 5 bit port for serial I/O  Port E – 8 analog inputs 8/22/2015ECE265 3

4 Accessing I/O ports  This is a memory mapped architecture  I/O done by writing to specific memory address  The ports  Port A – At address $1000 Used for either General-purpose I/O but 3 are Inputs/4 outputs/1 bidirectional Output compare Input capture Pulse-accumulator applications Linked with the internal timers on the 68HC11 (more later) 8/22/2015ECE265 4

5 Port A  The direction of Port A signal lines  Note that  3 pins input  4 pins output  1 bidirectional 8/22/2015ECE265 5

6 The I/O ports  Port B – at address $1004  An output port – has the dual use of being used for external addressing when the MPU is configured for extended memory mode.  Port C – at address $1003  All the lines are bidirectional  The Port C data direction register DDRC is at $1007 This register configures the direction of the pins of the port. 8/22/2015ECE265 6

7 Port C configuration example  Note configuration 8/22/2015ECE265 7

8 The ports  Port D – only a 6 pin port - at $1008  Lines can be configured as general bidirectional I/O lines  The lines can be used for both asynchronous and synchronous serial communication.  The port is set up to implement a SPI – Serial Parallel Interface SPI interface – allows communication with a peripheral or communication between processors in a multiple master MPU system. The SPI interface is one where data is simultaneously transmitted and received. It has two data lines MISO and MOSI for this. This is detailed in chapter 8 of the chip manual.  Port D data direction register - $1009 8/22/2015ECE265 8

9 Port D  Port D can also be used to implement an asynchronous serial interface sometimes referred to as a UART system.  The system implements a full duplex UART-type system.  Multiple control registers are use and can be accessed.  SCCR1 ($102C), SCCR2 ($102D), SCCR ($102E), SCDR ($102F), BAUD ($102B), SPCR ($1028), SPSR ($1029), SPDR ($102A) 8/22/2015ECE265 9

10 The interrupt lines  Allow the processor to respond to an external device and ‘service’ the device.  This is done by asserting a signal on an input pin to the processor.  When asserted the processor finishes the current instruction and then starts execution of the interrupt service routine.  When the service routine is completed, processing continues from where it was interrupted.  At the start of the routine the registers are placed on the stack.  The routine end with the RTI instruction which causes restoration of the registers and return to the point at which execution was interrupted. 8/22/2015ECE265 10

11 Who is interrupting me?  Interrupts are generated either from the two external pins, IRQ and XIRQ or internally from various on chip devices.  The table lists the interrupt sources on the chip. 8/22/2015ECE265 11

12 Handling an interrupt  You need attention – your action? Raise your hand  A peripheral or internal device needs attention  Generate an interrupt  What needs to happen to service and interrupt  Instruction executed in response to an interrupt are called the interrupt service routine  Interrupt happen asynchronously The current instruction will complete execution All of the registers are saved on the stack 8/22/2015ECE265 12

13 Saving registers  When an interrupt occurs the current instruction completes and then the registers are stacked  ORDER (remember stack is First In Last Out) PCL – Program Counter Low PCH – Program Counter High IYL IYH IXL IXH ACCA ACCB CCR  After CCR is stacked, the I bit of the CCR is set  If there is a pending XIRQ’ interrupt, the X bit is set 8/22/2015ECE265 13

14 Getting to service routine  After saving the state of the processor, the next step is getting to the code of the correct service routine.  Program counter is loaded with the 2 bytes in a interrupt vector table that is located at $FFxx addresses.  As these addresses are ROM, some systems set these up such that they have value $00xx. At these addresses is an unconditional jump, JMP op code 7E, to the service routine. 8/22/2015ECE265 14

15 Interrupt table 8/22/2015ECE265 15

16 Interrupt flow of execution  Interrupt occurs  Current instruction in execution completes  Registers are pushed onto stack  New PC address is obtained from the 2 byte address for that type interrupt  Example – Real Time interrupt - $FF00 and $FF01  Example – Timer IC2F - $FFEC and $FFED  IRQ pin – Maskable interrupt – $FFF2 and $FFF3  SWI instruction – Software Intr - $FFF6 and $FFF7  Execution continues from that address  MEM(PC)  IR  PC + 1  PC 8/22/2015ECE265 16

17 Interrupt action continued  At that address, as shown previously, is a jump instruction for an unconditional jump to the interrupt service routine.  When service routine completes it does so with an RTI – Return from interrupt instruction.  As shown in the instruction action for the RTI  The registers are restored  Then the PC is restored to continue execution of the interrupted program 8/22/2015ECE265 17

18 Lecture summary 8/22/2015ECE265 18  Have looked at the ports of the 68HC11  Have looked at some specifics of 68HC11 interrupt handling and interrupt handling in general.

19 Assignment 8/22/2015ECE265 19  HW 9 Get to a THR simulator  Complete Project Step 1  Due Friday May 20  Work alone or in groups of 2. If working in a group of 2, be sure both names are clearly on the submission, but only 1 submits it to the drop box.

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