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Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Decal Mechanical Engineering 98/198 Spring 14 Lecture 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Decal Mechanical Engineering 98/198 Spring 14 Lecture 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Decal Mechanical Engineering 98/198 Spring 14 Lecture 4

2 Components Shifter Cable Front Derailleur

3 Gear Basics Cassette/Freewheel Front Chain Rings

4 Gear Ratios A gear ratio = number of teeth on the front chain ring number of teeth on the back sprocket Lower ratios make it easier to pedal

5 Proper Shifting Shift only when pedaling forward. Avoid “crossing” the chain as much as possible. Do not shift when pedaling hard (up a hill). Crossed Chain

6 What are shifters? Shifters are devices on your handlebars, stem or downtube that allow you to change gears Downtube shifters STI shifters

7 Types of Shifters Stem-mounted shifters Index shifter with integrated brake lever

8 Types of Shifters Bar-end shifter Twist-style shifters

9 How shifters work 2 functional types of shifters – Indexed (Preset positions, “click” shifting) – Friction (Undefined positions, analog)

10 Friction Shifters

11 Index Shifters

12 Shifter Cables Cable head can be cylindrical (modern) Cable head can be a disc (vintage)

13 Shifter Housing Necessary for indexed shifting Can be used for tension shifting

14 Front Derailleur Types Top PullBottom Pull

15 Front Derailleur Types Double (also clamped) Triple (also braze-on)

16 How does it work?! Pushes the chain to a different chainring

17 Chain jumps to a larger chainring Chain falls to a smaller chainring Campy EPS tch?v=j9SgACoEQoE

18 Shifting Mechanism Possible cable directionsLimit screws = Chain

19 Installation Align the bottom of derailleur cage to be lightly above the largest chainring Angle cage by a couple degrees toward the rear of the bike Source:

20 Initial Set Up-Upper Limit Screw Source: Step 1: set gears as shown above Step 2: turn HIGH adjustment screw until a small gap on the right side is achieved

21 Initial Set Up-Lower Limit Screw Source: Step 1: set gears as shown above Step 2: turn LOW adjustment screw until small gap is achieved as shown Step 3: tension and secure cable to derailleur

22 Initial Set Up-Upper Limit Screw Source: Step 1: set gears as shown above Step 2: turn HIGH adjustment screw until a small gap on the right side is achieved

23 Initial Set Up – Adjusting Shifting Source: Step 1: set gears as shown above Step 2: turn the barrel adjuster counter-clockwise until a small gap on the left side is set. Go through all gears and fine-tune.

24 Source: Set gears as shown above Turn LOW adjustment screw until small gap is achieved as shown Turn HIGH adjustment screw until a small gap on the right side is achieved Set gears as shown above Setting Limit Screws

25 Fine Adjustment (trim) A properly tuned derailleur will shift between all front gears and not throw the chain off the chainrings. Even a well-adjusted derailleur may rub in some gear combinations Clockwise = screws adjuster in = loosens cable tension = Moves derailleur inward Counterclockwise = screws adjuster out = increases cable tension = Moves derailleur outward

26 PROBLEM #1 Max has a problem. Recently, he found that it was much harder to pedal than usual. What could be wrong with his bike?

27 PROBLEM #2 Austin has a problem. He tells us that he hears noises from his chain. What could be wrong?

28 PROBLEM #3 Chris has a problem. He has trouble braking! The brake levers are hard to pull and the bike has no stopping power. What could be wrong?

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