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AMERICAN CIVIL WAR 1861-1865 Confederate Attack on Ft. Sumter April 1861.

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3 Confederate Attack on Ft. Sumter April 1861

4 Civil War Keys to Victory: Strategies of the Union & Confederacy

5 Civil War  Abraham Lincoln: Problems: ①Secession ②Potential Secession ③European Intervention

6 Civil War SSecession 111 States 44 Potential 99 million 44 million

7 Keys for Lincoln and the Union  Maryland  Delaware  Kentucky  Missouri

8 Civil War  May, 1861: Lincoln’s Challenges 1.Rally Northerners 2.Keep Border States in the Union 3.Defeat the Southern Military 4.Restrict the South’s ability to fight 5.Prevent European intervention

9 Civil War  1861: Major Obstacle Lincoln could not make slavery the cause of the war. “Union” established as political and strategic goal.

10 Civil War: Strategy  May, 1861: Union Strategy 1.Defeat the South militarily 2.Restrict South’s ability to fight 3.Lincoln turned to his generals 1.Problem: 1.Military leaders on both sides shared the same basic military training as well as the basic concepts of how an army should be built and how a war should be fought.

11 Civil War: Strategy  Napoleon’s Influence 1.Concentrate a mass of your force against a fraction of the enemy 2.Attack your enemy’s weak point with your own great strength 3.Menace the enemy’s lines of communication while protecting yours 4.Utilize topography, intelligence, and “skirmishers” to your advantage 5.Use the “turning movement” to defeat your foe

12 Civil War: Strategy  General Winfield Scott Mexican War Hero 75 Years Old Formulated first Union strategy

13 Civil War: Strategy  May, 1861:  Confidence lay in the military’s ability to defeat secession.

14 Civil War: Strategy  Initial Plan: “Anaconda Plan”

15 Civil War: Strategy  Confederate Strategy  Advantage: Interior line of defense  South is a martial society  Possessed outstanding generals  DO NOT HAVE TO “WIN” TO WIN  INITIALLY CHOOSE DEFENSIVE STRATEGY  The nature of Southerners forced them to change  The Offensive-Defensive Strategy

16 Civil War: Strategy

17 Civil War: Strategy (East)  STRATEGY SUCCESSFUL? 1.First Manassas: July, 1861 2.The Peninsula Campaign, March-July, 1862 3.Second Manassas, July-August, 1862 4.*Antietam, September, 1862* 5.Fredericksburg, December, 1862 6.Chancellorsville, May, 1863 7.Gettysburg, July, 1863

18 Civil War: Strategy (West) EEVENTS/PEOPLE THAT BROUGHT CHANGE: UUlysses S. Grant’s Civil War: WWar in the West FForts Donelson and Henry SShiloh VVicksburg

19 Civil War: Strategy GGRANT CHANGES STRATEGY ““Anaconda” + Constant Pressure RRemoves Southern Advantages NNullifies Interior Lines of Defense SSplits South into parts WWears out Southern Armies DDestroys Southern ability to fight


21  STRATEGY SUCCESSFUL? 1.Sherman’s March to the Sea, 1863-1865 2.The Wilderness, 1864 3.Spotsylvania Courthouse, 1864 4.Cold Harbor, 1864 5.Petersburg, 1864-1865 6.Richmond, 1865 7.Appomattox Courthouse, 1865

22 Civil War Casualties

23 Civil War  Casualties:  Union: 110,000 Killed In Action 360,000 Total Dead 275,000 Wounded  Confederacy: 93,000 Killed In Action 260,000 Total Dead 137,000 Wounded *Numbers are questionable and hard to pin down because records of the time were not very precise about exact casualties.

24 Civil War YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Create a Group Power Point on one of the Battles of the Civil War.

25 Create a 5-8 minute Power Point Presentation Must include at least 20 slides Must contain at least 5 documents (pictures, maps, charts, graphs, cartoons, etc.)

26 Civil War Each member of your group will be responsible for researching information to contribute to the slide show. Each member of your group will be graded on the content of each slide and whether you have met the requirements.

27 You will be assigned a battle which you will research and present. It will include, but not be limited to the following Union Leaders Confederate Leaders Strategies of each side Successes & Failures of each side Casualties for each side Results of the battle Any other interesting facts (other names for battles, etc.)

28 Civil War Battles: – First Manassas – Antietam – Fredericksburg – Chancellorsville – Vicksburg – Gettysburg

29 Civil War Rubric Slides are neat and understandable Information is clear and concise At Least 20 Slides At Least 5 Documents Slides cover the 7 Criteria Each person contributed to research, and presented part of the slide show Information must be factual Sources of information have been cited

30 Presentations are due… Monday, September 30 NO EXCEPTIONS

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