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The Industrial Revolution: Britain Begins Industrialization

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1 The Industrial Revolution: Britain Begins Industrialization
Why was Britain the first country to industrialize?

2 Agricultural Revolution in Britain (1700)
The Agricultural Revolution helps start the Industrial Revolution Most citizens in Britain live & work on small farms in the countryside Enclosure Movement begins when wealthy landowners buy small farms, combine them & enclose them with fences or hedges The large farms begin to experiment with new ways to create larger/more crops : Jethro Tull invents the seed drill Plants seeds in well spaced rows at a specific depth in the ground – less labor Crops are bigger with larger yields 2. Charles “Turnip” Townshend begins crop rotation Crop rotation allows you to grow different crops on the same field

3 As food supply increases so does population
British need Labor (1750) Britain needs to produce more goods (esp. textiles) New factories (mills) popping up all over Britain, ex-farmers move to cities to find work British Industrialize First ( ) Overall, Britain had all of the factors of production, which are land, labor, and capital (wealth/money), other factors incl: 1) Resources: Water power/coal to fuel the new machines & iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings 2) Transportation:Rivers to transport goods throughout Britain & natural harbors that allow merchants to sail to and from the island 3) Entrepreneurs: Great banking system allows wealthy to invest money in the new technology 4) Stable Government plus many colonies & powerful Navy 3. Farmers practice selective breeding of animals – bigger sheep!

4 5. Inventions & Improvements (1760-1830)
Textile Industry begins in So. England & spreads throughout the rest of Britain (most cotton comes from US South) improvements include: A) Spinning Jenny & Spinning Mule B) Power Loom C) Cotton Gin (US) Transportation improvements helps move of goods throughout Britain E) Steamboat F) Steam Locomotive G) Liverpool-Manchester railroad D) Watt’s Steam Engine

5 Warm-up 13-2 Find answers on page 285
How did the flying shuttle improve the textile industry? Why did the demand for cloth increase? What did Britain need to make cloth and where did that material come from? When was the only period after 1830 in which British cloth consumption didn’t rise? Why do you think this may have happened? Where else could the British have gone to get cotton?

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