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Impact of fine arts on academic success A Comparison study EDRS 5305 Fall 2004 Dr. Teresa Cortez.

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1 Impact of fine arts on academic success A Comparison study EDRS 5305 Fall 2004 Dr. Teresa Cortez

2 Objective The objective of this study is to compare the academic scores of students participating in a fine arts program to those scores of students not participating in a fine arts program. By comparing the scores a determination will be made as to whether a fine arts program impacts the students’ academic achievement.

3 What does the research show? Fine art programs play a role in student academic achievement Students who engage in a fine arts program show improvement in cognitive functioning Student behaviors and attitudes toward school improve Success in life

4 Motivation Our motivation deals primarily with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act in that students are expected to perform at their grade level in math and language arts by 2014 and that schools must prove adequate yearly progress in order to receive federal funding.

5 Definition of Major Variables Participants 10 th grade students attending Tornillo High School - do not have a fine arts program 10 th grade students attending Tornillo High School - do not have a fine arts program 10 th grade students attending Anthony High School – have a fine arts program 10 th grade students attending Anthony High School – have a fine arts program Demographics and size of high schools Demographics and size of high schools

6 Definition of Major Variables Materials 2003 AEIS reports - 10 th graders’ TAKS 2003 AEIS reports - 10 th graders’ TAKS “All Tests” scores “All Tests” scores 10 th graders’ core subject grades 10 th graders’ core subject grades Student surveys Student surveys Principals’ questionnaire Principals’ questionnaire

7 Demographics Tornillo High School Anthony High School African American 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) Hispanic 273 (98.6%) 193 (95.5%) 193 (95.5%) White 3 (1.1%) 3 (1.1%) 9 (4.5%) 9 (4.5%) A/P or Native American 0 0 Total Population 277202

8 Definitions of Major Variables Authorizations UTEP IRB UTEP IRB Parental informed consent forms Parental informed consent forms Superintendents consent letters Superintendents consent letters

9 Research Questions The following research questions guide this study Do fine arts programs provide a link to students’ higher achievement levels? Do fine arts programs provide a link to students’ higher achievement levels? Do students in fine arts programs have an academic success level higher than those students who do not? Do students in fine arts programs have an academic success level higher than those students who do not?

10 Hypothesis Students attending schools that do not have a fine arts program show lower academic levels than those students attending schools with a fine arts program.

11 Methods and Materials Analyze student academic achievement between the two schools by comparing TAKS “All Tests” scores and core subject grades Analyze information from the survey to find if there is a link between student academic achievement and participation in a fine arts program Analyze results from the principals’ questionnaire that may bias their belief towards a fine arts program

12 Limitations of Study Limited to only two campuses in the El Paso Area – Tornillo High School and Anthony High School Limited to only 10 th grade students in Tornillo and Anthony High Schools Limited to only students participating in a fine arts program – Anthony High School

13 Delimitations of Study The validity of the data received from the schools The biases of the principals The students not returning or fully completing our survey

14 Data Analysis Independent measures (between –subjects) design Study involves separate and independent samples which will be compared in regard to their TAKS “All Tests” scores and core subject grades. Study involves separate and independent samples which will be compared in regard to their TAKS “All Tests” scores and core subject grades. Evaluate the mean difference between the two populations using a t-test. Evaluate the mean difference between the two populations using a t-test. Determine if there is a significant impact in students’ academic achievement as concluded by the data. Determine if there is a significant impact in students’ academic achievement as concluded by the data. H 0: µ 1 – µ 2 = 0

15 Summary If fine arts programs do affect the academic success of high school students it may be advantageous for Stage One or priority schools to implement fine art programs in their schools. Make it mandatory for unsuccessful students to participate in a fine arts program. Some of the negative financial effects of the NCLB Act will be diminished.

16 Question and Answer Session

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