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Vocabulary… Person who gets food by hunting animals and gathering plants Hunter-Gatherer.

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2 Vocabulary…

3 Person who gets food by hunting animals and gathering plants Hunter-Gatherer

4 Vocabulary… Land set aside by the Government for Native Americans to live. RESERVATION

5 Vocabulary… Native American home made of bark, mats, or animal skins laid over a dome-shaped frame of bent poles. Wigwam

6 Vocabulary… Buying and selling of goods and services Trade

7 Vocabulary… Native American celebration often including music, dancing, and religious ceremonies. Pow wow

8 Vocabulary… One of the most powerful Native American groups in North America; formed by five Iroquois Nations Iroquois League

9 Vocabulary… Leader of each nation of the Iroquois League, chosen to be part of the Grand Council to vote on important issues sachem

10 Vocabulary… Group made up of families that share an ancestor clan

11 Vocabulary… Small beads made from sea shells; belts were used by the Iroquois to send messages wampum

12 Vocabulary… “people of the longhouse”: Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk Haudenosaunee

13 Vocabulary… A long dwelling, especially of the Iroquois, for several families Longhouse

14 Vocabulary… A long strong pointed fence set as a defense or to keep things out Palisade

15 Vocabulary… A strong deep bowl in which substances are pounded or crushed with a club shaped tool mortar and pestle

16 Big Ideas… Key concepts for Native Americans

17 Big Ideas… Who were the five nations which made up the Iroquois League? Seneca Cayuga Oneida Onondag a Mohawk

18 Big Ideas… How did Native Americans use corn? *Made food *Made baskets *Made mats *Made dolls *Made moccasins

19 Big Ideas… How did the Iroquois record messages? WAMPUM

20 Big Ideas… How did they communicate messages? *Special runners were trained to carry messages along the ________ trail. MOHAWK

21 Big Ideas… What were some of the jobs of women and men?

22 Big Ideas… What were the three main crops? Corn, Beans, and Squash They were called the __________________ Three Sisters

23 Big Ideas… How would you know what longhouse to live in? Longhouses were broken by clans. Lived with the woman you married.

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