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NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE’S PERSONAL LIFE. Birth Nathaniel Hawthorn was born a Hathorne on July 4, 1804. He had a solid blood-line of Puritans in his family.

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2 Birth Nathaniel Hawthorn was born a Hathorne on July 4, 1804. He had a solid blood-line of Puritans in his family. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and was influenced by the towns strong history.

3 Birth He grew up in a modest sized house, which was significant because it was later moved next to the House of Seven Gables. The House of Gables was an extraordinary house that influenced Hawthorne to write a novel by the same title.

4 Family Hawthorne had an extensive family line of Puritan ancestors. His family, both immediate and ancestral, brought many influences on Nathaniel.

5 Paternal Ancestors On his fathers side of the family, major member were Major William, Judge John, Joseph, Captain Daniel, and Rachel Hathorne. Major William Hathorne was his great- great- great grandfather. William was one of the original Puritan settlers. Judge John Hathorne was Nathaniel’s great- great grandfather.

6 Paternal Ancestors He acted as a judge during the Salem witch trials. It was believed that one of the victims cursed Hathorne’s name which is what influenced Nathaniel to add the extra “w”. His grandfather Daniel, was a captain of the Salem schooner Salisbury. He had two sons, Daniel and Nathaniel, both in which died at sea.

7 Paternal Ancestors Nathaniel Hathorne was Nathaniel Hawthorne’s father. He died out at sea in Surinam, the Dutch Guiana, while Hawthorne was only 4. Hawthorne’s family is left dependent on relatives. Rachel Phelps Hathorne was Nathaniel’s grandmother. She was married to Captain Daniel Hathorne.

8 Immediate Family Nathaniel’s father was Nathaniel Hathorne. He died at sea when Nathaniel was only 4. His mother was Elizabeth or Betsey Clarke Manning. She became overly protective and pressed him towards a more solitary life style. His wife was Sophia Peabody.

9 Immediate Family Sophia and Nathan were avowed transcendentalists. Transcendentalism is a literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller.

10 Immediate Family Despite one miscarriage, Sophia gave birth to three children: Una, Julian, and Rose. Hawthorne's first child Una was born on March 3, 1844.

11 His Life Nathaniel’s mother pushed him towards behaviors that encourage an occupation in writing. A major problem though was that Puritans felt writing was idle and unproductive. Nathaniel went to college anyway. He went to Bowdoin College in Maine. There he made friends with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Franklin Pierce. Franklin Pierce went on to become president one day.

12 His Life Both men Became life long friends with Nathan. After a few failed attempts at success, Nathaniel was forced to find other occupations for income. Later he got married in the summer of 1842 to Sophia Peabody. Later they moved to Old Manse in Concord Massachusetts where many other writers and thinkers lived. Later he moved back to Salem in 1845

13 His Life On February 3, 1850 the Scarlet Letter was finished and he read the story to his wife. The book became an instant success and allowed him devote himself to his writing career. He then moved to Lenox, a small town in Berkshire.

14 His Life In Lenox he completed another famous novel and made friends with Herman Melville. Melville dedicated his book Moby Dick to Hawthorne. Their friendship didn’t last though

15 His Life Nathaniel had a poor social life. His life has been described as a painful solitude and was said to be somewhat of a recluse, staying in most of the day and taking solitary walks at night. In his later years he suffered from dementia and passed away May 19, 1864, at Plymouth, New Hampshire.

16 Questions 1.When was Nathaniel born? 2.What is Nathaniel's wife’s name? 3.Where was Nathaniel born? 4.What happened to his father? When? Why is this ironic? 5.Where does Hawthorne become acquainted with Melville?

17 Questions 6.What Sophia’s Maiden Name? 7.What was dedicated to Nathan? 8.How Many Children did Nathan have? 9.What is a transcendentalist? 10.What Nathaniel’s mother’s maiden name? 11.Who has a Wicked Phat Personal Life?

18 Answers 1.July 4, 1804 2.Sophia Hawthorne 3.Salem, Massachusetts 4.He died at sea when Nathan was only 4. This is Ironic because his brother met the same fate. 5.Lenox in Berkshires

19 Answers 6.Peabody 7.Moby Dick by Melville 8.Three: Una, Julian, and Rose 9.People who follow Transcendentalism, or a literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller. 10.Lord 11.Not Nathan sadly because his life would be depressing

20 Bibliography http:/// hors/hawthorne.htmlhttp:/// hors/hawthorne.html http:/// edlit/authors_depth/hawthorne.htmhttp:/// edlit/authors_depth/hawthorne.htm http:/// http:/// http:///

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