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Nathaniel Hawthorne Miss Alexander. Objectives The tenth grade students will be able to: 1) Understand Nathaniel Hawthorne’s childhood, college years,

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1 Nathaniel Hawthorne Miss Alexander

2 Objectives The tenth grade students will be able to: 1) Understand Nathaniel Hawthorne’s childhood, college years, adult hood, and death 2) recognize Hawthorne’s experiences and struggles he faced in life 3) recognize Hawthorne’s works

3 Birth Nathaniel Hawthorne was born July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts He was the second of three children born to Navy Captain Nathaniel Hathorne and Elizabeth Manning Hathorne. Nathaniel’s last name was originally Hathorne, but he added the “W” into his name later in life.

4 Ancestors Nathaniel came from a long line of puritans Hawthorne's great-great- great-grandfather, Major William Hathorne, viciously persecuted Quakers during the seventeenth century His great-great-grandfather, Justice John Hathorne, was a judge at the Salem Witch Trials.

5 Ancestors Continued.. Hawthorne was haunted most of his life by his ancestor’s role in the Salem Witch Trials. It is assumed that Nathaniel changed his last name to separate himself from these ancestors.

6 Childhood When Nathaniel was only 4 years old, his father died of yellow fever The family moved to a house in Salem Nathaniel referred to this house as “Castel Dismal” He was educated by his uncle and demonstrated an early flair for writing

7 The Spectator Nathaniel published and distributed hand written newspapers entitled T he Spectator He was only sixteen years old when he wrote these! Lasted 3 months The Spectator contained essays, poems, fiction, and advertisements

8 In 1821, Hawthorne set off by train to Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. Became friends with Franklin Pierce (who ended up becoming president) Also became friends with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (the future poet). College

9 Young Adulthood After college he returned to Salem to live with his mother. Between 1824- 1836 worked as a writer In 1827 he changed his name by adding a “W” to Hawthorne. In 1828 he anonymously published his first book Fanshawe. Fanshawe was not a success so he burned the rest of the copies.

10 Adulthood Hawthorne married a woman named Sophia Peabody They had three children named Una, Julian, and Rose. In 1847 He published “The Scarlet Letter”. In 1853 Hawthorne was appointed consul of Liverpool, England

11 Death Hawthorne passed away on May 19, 1864 in Plymouth, New Hampshire He had been sick for a while and was suffering from dementia Numerous unfinished works were published after his death.

12 Famous Works

13 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE “Mountains are earth's undecaying monuments” “ A woman's chastity consists, like an onion, of a series of coats ”

14 Slide Menu Slide 1: Title SlideTitle Slide Slide 2:ObjectivesObjectives Slide 3: Born Born Slide 4: AncestorsAncestors Slide 5: Anc. ContAnc. Cont Slide 6: ChildhoodChildhood Slide 7: SpectatorSpectator Slide 8: CollegeCollege Slide 9:AfterCollegeAfterCollege Slide 10: AdulthoodAdulthood Slide 11: DeathDeath Slide 12: Works Works Slide 13: QuotesQuotes

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