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11th Grade American History Mr. Dalton’s Class Subject: The Holocaust.

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2 11th Grade American History

3 Mr. Dalton’s Class

4 Subject: The Holocaust

5 Objectives: To promote awareness of the events, causes, and impact of the holocaust on European culture. The students will analyze the holocaust and its political, emotional, and humanitarian impact on the 20th century. The students will define ten terms of the holocaust

6 Objectives (continued) The students will connect the genocide of the holocaust to current genocide in the Balkans, Albania, Africa, and other genocide from current history. The students will trace the five major events leading to the internment of German “undesirables” and concentration and work camps

7 More Objectives: The students will write a personal reaction paper to the video of the holocaust. The students will list four personal rights denied the Jewish people during the rule of the Third Reich. The students will develop an understanding of the ramifications of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping in any society.

8 Even more objectives: Given a map of Eastern Europe, the students will locate the areas from which the holocaust victims came the students will describe their reactions to scenes form the video “Liberation of the Camps”

9 Activities: Watch the video “Liberation of the Camps” and write a reaction paragraph watch a clip from the movie Schlindler’s List. After viewing an overhead map of the concentration/death camps the students will discuss Concentration vs. Death Camps.

10 Activities (continued) After viewing an overhead chart of the Jewish population, the students will discuss how so many could not escape the injustice that they encountered. The students will create a timeline of the systematic dehumanization practiced by the Third Reich.

11 Even more activities: Given a map of Eastern Europe, the students will locate the areas from which the holocaust victims came. Watch the video form A&E Undercover Report -- Einsatgruppen Students are news reporters with Allied liberation forces, they will write a paragraph for their home newspaper describing the camps

12 The last of the activities: The students will discuss the differences between the holocaust and current actions in Kosovo by Serbian and NATO forces. The students will describe the cultural/racial groups targeted by the Nazis as “undesirable” and explain why these groups were targeted.

13 Websites: Http:// ges/Killcntr.gif http://www.friends- pale/eng_captions/58-2.html ource/glossary.htm

14 Websites: Http:// ust.html

15 More Websites: Http:// bt/www/resources.html testimonies/homepage.html

16 Timeline: The events of the Holocaust occurred in two main phases: 1933-1939 and 1939-1945 1933 -- Hitler becomes chancellor- boycotts/Aryan Laws/book burnings 1935 -- Nuremberg Laws 1939 -- Invasion of Poland (Jews must wear Star of David) Ghettos formed

17 Vocabulary Aryan Auschwitz Concentration Camp Dachau Death Marches

18 Vocabulary Euthanasia Genocide Heinrich Himmler Holocaust Kristallnacht S.S.

19 Vocabulary Nuremberg Laws Treblinka Final Solution Einsatzgruppen Belzec

20 Important information In 1933 approximately 9 million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Germany during the war. By 1945 2 out of every 3 European Jews had been killed

21 More Information: Although Jews were the primary victims, up to one half million Gypsies and at least 250,000 mentally or physically disabled persons were also victims of genocide. Nazis saw these people as a serious biological threat to the purity of the German (Aryan) Race”, what they called the “master race.”

22 The methods of murder were the same in all the killing centers, which were operated by the S. S. the victims arrived by freight cars and passenger trains, mostly from ghettos and camps in occupied Poland. On arrival, men an women were seperated and forced to undress and turn over their valuables

23 They were then taken to gas chambers that were disguised as showers and either carbon monoxide or Zyklon B was used to asphyxiate them. Resistance movements existed in all camps, but was usually put down quickly. In May 1945, Nazi Germany collapsed, the S.S. guards fled,and the camps ceased to exist as concentration camps and turned into displaced persons camps (DP camps)

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