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Geometry Thru Composition. rectangles Using rectangles is a close likeness to Rule of Thirds. However, rather than keeping each section of your frame.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Thru Composition. rectangles Using rectangles is a close likeness to Rule of Thirds. However, rather than keeping each section of your frame."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Thru Composition

2 rectangles Using rectangles is a close likeness to Rule of Thirds. However, rather than keeping each section of your frame equal, you can use rectangles of varying sizes to place your subject.

3 rectangles In this image the rectangles make up the bottom half of the frame, and the left side of the frame, isolating the light pole as the subject.

4 circles You can capture a certain energy with the motion of a circular line, and also lead your eye through the frame.

5 circles The use of circles in this shot draws you into the depth of the scene, allowing you to take in the water and reflection, and the backdrop of the mountains.

6 polygons

7 In this image the Polygon is created by flowers in the foreground – and also a contrast between the light and dark areas.

8 triangle A triangle is a closed curve that incorporates at least one diagonal. Being closed, it won't lead the eye out of the frame. However, especially an equilateral triangle is a lot more static than a diagonal. By itself, and especially in the middle of the frame, it can lead to a static and boring composition.

9 squares Squares make excellent frames and provide incredible interest with repetition.

10 arches Arches have the similar natural motion of circles, but these may be more a part of the background than a complete shape in itself.

11 arches

12 parallel and converging lines It can be very difficult to use lines well. But not only is it possible, when used, these parallel and converging lines can be quite effective for composing background elements.

13 rule of thirds


15 leading lines A leading line does what it says: it leads the eye from one part of the picture to another: from the foreground to the background, the secondary subject to the main subject (but very rarely the other way round). The leading line adds motion to an otherwise static picture and ties different elements in it together. Diagonals and arcs or other unclosed curves make good leading lines.

16 spatial divider A spatial divider divides the picture into discrete areas, which work together to make the composition. Not all pictures are based on areas, but sometimes areas can make for a strong composition even in the absence of clear points of interest. Triangles are particularly useful as spatial dividers, but other elements (diagonals, open curves) can perform the role as well.

17 framing element A framing element serves to focus attention on the main subject. It usually covers at least two edges of the picture and can intrude a good way into it, sometimes taking up most of the space in it. For this to work, the framing element has to have some interesting characteristics of its own: color, texture, or shape. Bold, geometric shapes can work very well as framing elements: triangles or arcs work especially well. Usually, framing elements should be lower-key and more muted than the main subject: they are not meant to distract, but to focus, even when the actual point of the picture is the framing element.

18 spatial divider

19 diagonal A picture with a diagonal element is almost always more dynamic and stronger than the same picture without it. While verticals and horizontals usually divide the space into areas, diagonals connect. Indeed, one of the most common and effective uses for the diagonal is the *leading line* -- something that connects a main subject to a secondary subject, causing the eye to move inside the frame. In this role, diagonals can be strong components of perspective and depth, giving a picture three-dimensionality.

20 glossary axiom. A basic assumption about a mathematical system from which theorems can be deduced. For example, the system could be the points and lines in the plane. Then an axiom would be that given any two distinct points in the plane, there is a unique line through them. congruent. Two shapes in the plane or in space are congruent if there is a rigid motion that identifies one with the other (see the definition of rigid motion). rigid motion. A transformation of the plane or space, which preserves distance and angles. perspective. The technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically : representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance

21 task 1.Identify the planes in a photo or video still 2.Overlay parallel lines on each plane to the point of convergence, or as close as possible on image 3.Note two or more distinct points on the plane and how they relate to the parallel lines. Standard: Demonstrate an understanding of geometry by identifying and giving examples of undefined terms, axioms, theorems, and inductive and deductive reasoning.



24 perspective

25 taking it further… 1.Identify a polygon shape in a photo with an overlay of the shape in Photoshop. 2.Enlarge or shrink (crop) both the image and shape layers equally until they fill a 4x6 canvas. 3.Repeat for an 8x10 canvas size. 4.Note the different aspect ratios.

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