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Kuali Budget Construction Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuali Budget Construction Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuali Budget Construction Catherine Maddaford KBC Administrator

2 NEW HIRES AND TRANSFERS Kuali Budget Construction

3 Position is Open Position is initially loaded in KBC with no incumbent. There was no active incumbent assigned to the position when KBC was initialized. NOT FUNDED means the position is active but not filled. INACTIVE means the position needs to be activated through Workday.

4 Complete Hire in WD Complete the hire process in Workday. – Activates the position, if needed. – Assigns the new hire to the position. The nightly WD update will send an update to KBC when the hire process is completed. – The position is updated, but still shows NOT FUNDED and no employee name. – No funding lines are added. – Employee is on the active incumbent list but is not added to the position in KBC.

5 Verify Position Data Open the position from the position pick list and verify the position data to be sure it is the right one. Compare the position number to the Workday position number – they must be the same. Make sure the FLSA and the job code are correct – position changes must be done in Workday.

6 Add Employee EmplID – use the search icon to find the new hire’s employee ID and enter it. Enter the rest of the funding lines as you would for any other filled position. Save the position when finished.

7 Not your position? If there is a newly hired employee who you will be paying, but who is not assigned to one of your positions, you will not see the position or the incumbent in your pick lists. BC processor must add the funding lines starting from the account edoc, using the Quick Salary Setting. Load the account edoc, choose the object code and click on salary setting. Select add incumbent or add position to complete the process and then save.

8 Quick Salary Setting Load account Select Expenditure tab and object code Click on Salary setting Select the Add position if you know the position number. OR Select Add incumbent if you know the employee ID.

9 Transferred Employee All termination and hiring is done first in Workday before you can update KBC, as well as promotions. When an employee transfers from one department to another, the KBC entry is to vacate the position they are leaving and add them to the new position. You can budget the incumbent in the current position or a pooled or vacant position if the transfer is not yet completed in Workday.

10 Changing Accounts When you want to change the account used to pay the employee (cost center in Workday) you are changing the Cost Allocation, but you are not changing the position assignment or the incumbent’s status. If the position is moved from one supervisory org to another in Workday, that may require a region code change which may change access to the position if the region code maps to an org code in a different school or budget center. If you have access to the cost allocation account, you can still add or delete funding.

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