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Technology Planning – Laws of Media and TPACK A Philosophical and Practical Approach

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Planning – Laws of Media and TPACK A Philosophical and Practical Approach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Planning – Laws of Media and TPACK A Philosophical and Practical Approach


3 The Task Look to see what you have on your person. Take out anything that you would deem to be technology.


5 Who is this man?




9 Encyclopedia What does it ENHANCE? What does it OBSOLESCE? What does it RETRIEVE? What will it REVERSE into? Information on demand Search Engine Information overload Critical analysis

10 Enhance

11 Obsolesce

12 Retrieve

13 Reverses into

14 The Tetrad Task Using the tetrad on the handout or sketching your own, select a technology that you have used in the last couple 1



17 Student Activity




21 TPACK Game – how to make it, where to find it How to make it – use index cards to write a variety of subject areas, pedagogical approaches, and technologies (I used different colours) – If you are working in a subject area, you could become more specific and look at outcomes instead tpack-game/

22 TPACK Game - Task 1 In groups of 2 or 3 or more, have 1 person select a subject area and pedagogical approach. As a group, brainstorm a technology that would have a good fit with the other two components. Be prepared to explain it in 15 seconds or less to another group. You have 5 minutes, see how many you can complete.

23 TPACK Game - Task 2 In groups of 2 or 3 select a subject area, pedagogical approach, and a technology. Devise an activity that could be used to meet all three cards. You have 5 minutes, see how many you can complete.

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