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0 UK: IP venture fund UK UK: UMIP Premier Fund Sweden: Chalmers Innovation Belgium KU Leuven CD3 Latvia: Imprimatur Capital, Seed and VC fund Sweden: Karolinska.

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Presentation on theme: "0 UK: IP venture fund UK UK: UMIP Premier Fund Sweden: Chalmers Innovation Belgium KU Leuven CD3 Latvia: Imprimatur Capital, Seed and VC fund Sweden: Karolinska."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 UK: IP venture fund UK UK: UMIP Premier Fund Sweden: Chalmers Innovation Belgium KU Leuven CD3 Latvia: Imprimatur Capital, Seed and VC fund Sweden: Karolinska Development 3T (Telecoms Institutes) EIF TT Transactions France: Inria IT2: Digital technologies Bulgaria : LaunchUp Start-up accelerator Greece: Openfund, Seed Fund UK: Cancer Research Technology Elaia (Applied Maths – ENS, Dauphine, Collège de F, X) Business Creation and Acceleration Research commercialisation / TT Bulgaria : Eleven Start-up accelerator Greece: Piräus Fund, Seed Fund Lithuania: Practica Incubator and follow-on fund Lithuania: Strata/Mes Business Angel Co-investment fund Belgium: NausecaBusiness Angel fund 0 France: Institut Pasteur / IRT Lyon Infectious diseases / vaccines

2 1 Knowledge Transfer Strategic Partnership Established in Rome - 16 June 2010 – link with LTIC Open initiative to jointly design Knowledge Transfer solutions EIB Group and public long-term financial institutions from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK Work on IP, POC, Business Angels Partners

3 2 EU 2020 Agenda: Europe's Social Market Economy for the 21st Century ■ Remove obstacles to knowledge transfer (excessive risk, lack of financial resources, lack of qualified human resources) by ■ facilitating access to adequate financial resources, financial structuring, technology risk assessment and ■ encouraging the private sector to invest Plan for Action Technology Transfer Active EIF support of EU core objectives through Tech Transfer initiatives

4 3 Proof of Concept is key to the EU innovation ecosystem ■ POC dedicated instrument addresses weak link in EU2020 Strategy: match research and market Beyond traditional linear thinking of research commercia- lisation – towards innovation networks and ecosystems Design based on concrete EIF experience in this challenging market segment Market failure: EC funding on non pari-passu terms is critical to setting up PoC fund

5 4 Investment Facility (not a subsidy programme) Imperative of commercialisation: industry/investment community is involved from the earliest stages Rigorous governance: professional, independent decision-making at every step Legal robustness, simple, cost-effective Key features

6 5 Investment strategy Geographical coverage EU with pre-agreed targets for countries of the sponsors Investments targets Proof-of-Concept funding (POC compartment EUR 20-200k/investment, POC+ compartment up to EUR 750k/investment) Seed equity, up to EUR 3m per investment Deal flow Leading EU academic partners Deal Flow hub in target countries (East, South)?

7 6 Investing in Europe’s academic POC gap 6 ~ 1500 PROs without systematic / access to POC investment – no grants JRC-RTD / EC Technology Transfer Finance Facility Preferred Partner LTIC / KTSP Key value adds  amounts (up to EUR 3m in three stages)  speed (< 2 months decision time)  investment rigour Pan-European scope and perspective – competition amongst Europe’s best At the centre of an ecosystem  IP sharing/cross licensing  training /mobility/exchange of good practices /innovation  entrepreneurship training Proposal under consideration by by EC RTD Strategically compelling  start with ICT-focussed platform  need for BusDev / coaching offer

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