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Theories Of Education: Functionalist Theory of Education 1. Discussion regarding homework: What are the norms and values in British Society you have observed?

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Presentation on theme: "Theories Of Education: Functionalist Theory of Education 1. Discussion regarding homework: What are the norms and values in British Society you have observed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theories Of Education: Functionalist Theory of Education 1. Discussion regarding homework: What are the norms and values in British Society you have observed? 2. Emile Durkheim: Norms, Values, Roles, Status and Deviance! –PP Slides 3. Activity! –What are the values behind norms? 4. Coffee Break 5. Talcott Parsons: Primary and Secondary Socialisation and Role Allocation in Schools 6. Teletubbies Video: What do children learn about the world from tv? 7. Role Allocation: Complete Activity on race and prizes! 8. Conclusion: Criticisms of Functionalist View of Education

2 Emile Durkheim; Norms and Values  Education System transmits......  Norms: Unwritten and unspoken rules of everyday life. Children learn these values at a young age  Values: Beliefs and moral views tha are deeply held by most people in society. Values areoften specific to certain cultures. (ie: In the west, getting an education is a commonly shared value).  Status: Position in society. People can have several statuses!  Ascribed Status (age, sex, ethnicity)- Something you cant change  Achieved Status: Change through individual efforts and work (ie becoming a lawyer, a doctor)  For ex: In India, status is ascribed...people cant change their social position through education. In Western Europe, people can change their position through education or work

3 Activity!  Spend 10 mins making a list of norms you have identified in the UK  Make another column and discuss and decide if you feel there are ‘values’ behind the norms.  For example:  Norm: Not talking when someone else talks  Value: Respect other peoples right to an opinion, to freedom of speech. 

4 EMILE Durkheim: Primary and Secondary Socialisation  Teletubbies Video Teletubbies Video

5 Talcott Parsons, Davis and Moore: Education and Role allocation  Education performs:  GAIL  Goal Attainment  Adaptation  Integrates/Integration  Latency  Parsons believes education ‘sorts and sifts’ children by ability for suitable educational qualifications and then later on for suitable roles or jobs in society

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