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MSDN Webcast - SDL Process. Agenda  Fuzzing & The SDL  Integration of fuzzing  Importance of fuzzing Michael Eddington Déjà vu Security

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Presentation on theme: "MSDN Webcast - SDL Process. Agenda  Fuzzing & The SDL  Integration of fuzzing  Importance of fuzzing Michael Eddington Déjà vu Security"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSDN Webcast - SDL Process

2 Agenda  Fuzzing & The SDL  Integration of fuzzing  Importance of fuzzing Michael Eddington Déjà vu Security

3 How Fuzzers Work (Dumb) 3

4 How Fuzzers Work (Smart) 4

5 All about the bugs!  …Or really Bug Cost…  Fuzzing is about finding bugs  Fuzzing is repeatable  Integrate into automated testing  Fuzzing *should* be easy on the wallet  Cost per Bug

6 What are we finding?  Bugs that cause crashes, access violations  Memory corruption  Overflows  Type issues  DOS issues  Memory consumption  Process Hangs

7 Who uses fuzzing?  Security researchers  Majority of publicly released bugs  Top software firms in there SDL  Microsoft  Adobe  Etc.

8 What is SDL?  Microsoft’s Secure Development Lifecycle  Integration of security into development life cycle  Microsoft uses SDL on all shipping products 8

9 SDL Phases  Requirements  Security Kickoff  Training  Design  Best practices  Threat modeling  Architecture review  Implementation  Use security dev tools  Best practices  Security tools built  Verification  Security response plan  Security push  Pen testing  Source review  Fuzzing  Release  Support & Servicing  Response execution  Security servicing 9

10 Fuzzing & SDL  Microsoft requires fuzzing on:  Non-executable file formats  Protocol stacks, RPC, DCOM, etc  Basically, any parser that operates on data that originates from a lesser privileged principal (trust boundary)  Fuzzing integrating into the Verification phase and the security push 10

11 Fuzzing & SDL  Deterministic fuzzing  Full run required  Non-deterministic “random” fuzzing  250,000 to 500,000 iterations with no new faults  No recommendation on minimum code coverage

12 Fuzzing & SDL  Complements other verification elements  Does not replace Penetration Testing  Does not replace Source Code Review  Long term repeatable process  Initial investment should be re-usable

13 Numerous Fuzzing Options Open SourceCommercial  Peach  Sully  Fuzzware  MiniFuzz  Etc.  beSTORM  Codenomicon  Mu Security

14 Open Source vs. Commercial Open SourceCommercial  Custom formats  Custom protocols  Zero upfront cost  Hidden costs  Developing models  Support/Training  Existing well known file format or network protocol  Graphics formats  Video formats  Common protocols  Upfront costs  $15K to $100K

15 Thanks! Michael Eddington Leviathan Security Group, inc.

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