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Unified. Simplified. Unified Communications Launch 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Unified. Simplified. Unified Communications Launch 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unified. Simplified. Unified Communications Launch 2007

2 Unified. Simplified. Mobility And Anywhere Access Jeff Alexander IT Pro Evangelist

3 Unified. Simplified. Session Objectives Learn about remote, external and mobile access Review security features to enable remote and external access See real life usage and demo’s Understand server topology and architecture In this session, you will…

4 Unified. Simplified. Today’s Business Environment What Customers Are Telling Us Scalable, flexible architecture Deployment and administrative ease Reduced cost and complexity Information Workers want access from any location Full feature access regardless of location Flexibility in choice of devices and modes depending on need Mobile Workers Manage External Access Increasing complexity Secure communications Secure external user access Flexibility in setting policies per organization’s needs

5 Unified. Simplified. Microsoft's Investment Themes Mobility and Anywhere Access Anywhere Access Similar experience on desktop, web browser and mobile phone Efficient collaboration with conferencing and document sharing VPN-less corporate network access Built-in Protection Encrypted communication and content Help secure connections with external users New policies to meet organizational requirements Flexible Architecture Flexible deployment and topologies Modular server architecture Software + Services continuum

6 Unified. Simplified. Anywhere Access

7 Unified. Simplified. Anywhere Access Similar experience from desktop to mobile devices Microsoft ® Office Outlook ® 2007 Microsoft ® Office Communicator 2007 Microsoft ® Office Outlook ® Mobile Microsoft ® Office Communicator Mobile Microsoft ® Office Outlook ® Web Access Microsoft ® Office Communicator Web Access Microsoft ® Office Outlook ® Voice Access Microsoft ® Office Communicator Phone Edition Exchange Server 2007 Office Communications Server 2007

8 Unified. Simplified. Anywhere Access Efficient Communication and Collaboration VPN-less remote access Corporate file share and SharePoint site access GAL Access for scheduling meetings Presence and contact information Long distance charge savings Optimized codecs for variable network conditions

9 Unified. Simplified. Setting the Scene

10 Unified. Simplified.

11 Tanjay, Live Meeting and OCS 2007

12 Unified. Simplified. Communicator

13 Unified. Simplified. Office Communications Server 2007 Rich Presence with Office Communicator Real-time status Immediate, visual presence representation (availability) Automatic presence status based on Outlook calendar information and login status Control presence status directly Streamlined communications from within applications Integral presence throughout 2007 Office system Communicate and share content Extend LOB applications to access communications capabilities

14 Unified. Simplified. Office Communications Server 2007 Software powered VoIP with Office Communicator High quality VoIP Single click VoIP capabilities from within Office applications VoIP communications in the office, at home or on the road Encrypted No VPN required IM and Video alongside Rich call management capabilities Easy to use and configure Intelligent call routing based on presence and Outlook calendar

15 Unified. Simplified. 15 Communicator Mobile 1.0 Presence Instant Messaging Enterprise Address Book Search Basic PBX line forwarding control Works with Live Communications Server 2005 Support for Windows Mobile 2003 and 5.0

16 Unified. Simplified. 16 Communicator Mobile 2.0 Enhanced Presence Instant Messaging Manage you availability and status GAL Integration Stay in touch with partners, friends, and family Consistent with Office Communicator experience Optimized for mobile devices

17 Unified. Simplified. Office Communicator Communicator Mobile 2.0

18 Unified. Simplified. Windows Mobile 6.0

19 Unified. Simplified. Exchange Front End Server(s)/Client Access Servers Mailbox Server Internet (Cellular Networks) Wired line Wireless line Legend Wireless PDA HTTPS (443) Smart phone Wi-Fi PDA Wi-Fi Smart phone Internet (802.11x - hotspots) Wi-Fi PDA Wi-Fi Smart phone Wireless Intranet (802.11x) Corporate Network ISA Server (Optional) HTTPS (443) Outlook Anywhere from any internet connection OWA from kiosk or from home Wi-Fi Laptop Wi-Fi Laptop Exchange Server 2007 Mobile Access Deployment

20 Unified. Simplified. Windows Mobile 6.0 Security Enhancements Storage Card Security Storage Card Encryption Storage Card Wipe New Incremental Policies Storage Card Encryption Enforcement Allow/Disallow Attachments Allow/Disallow UNC/SharePoint Access New Device Lock Policies Device Timeout Enhancements Password Expiration Password History User Pin/Password Reset Crypto/Certificate Services Built in Rights Management Support

21 Unified. Simplified. Exchange Server 2007 Mobile Device Security Policies Exchange Server 2003 pushes policies to all users enabling individual exemptions Exchange Server 2007 sets policies on an individual or group basis If a Device does not comply with policies it will not be allowed to synchronize

22 Unified. Simplified. Windows Mobile 6.0 & Exchange 2007

23 Unified. Simplified. Exchange Unified Messaging

24 Unified. Simplified. “7 out of 10 phone calls go direct to voicemail“ - Gartner (“The Knowledge Worker Investment Paradox”, 2002) Anywhere Access Unified Messaging Solution Single inbox for email, voice, and fax Voice access from regular phone Speech-enabled auto attendant

25 Unified. Simplified. Unified Messaging One Inbox!

26 Unified. Simplified. Key Takeaways Remote, External and Mobile Access OCS 2007 and Exchange Server 2007 Architecture Security features to enable Remote and External Access In this session, you learned about

27 Unified. Simplified. Visit the OCS 2007 and Exchange Server 2007 Tech Centers Visit the OCS 2007 and Exchange Server 2007 Tech Centers Resources Try a Hosted End-user Trial of Exchange Server 2007 Try a Hosted End-user Trial of Exchange Server 2007

28 Unified. Simplified.


30 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. This document may contain information related to pre-release software, which may be substantially modified before its first commercial release. Accordingly, the information may not accurately describe or reflect the software product when first commercially released MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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