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F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Walking Through Faith 11:1-3, 6-8, 13-19, 24-26.

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Presentation on theme: "F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Walking Through Faith 11:1-3, 6-8, 13-19, 24-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Walking Through Faith 11:1-3, 6-8, 13-19, 24-26

2 Steve Cunningham

3 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH “You don’t fly an aircraft on what you can see, you fly an aircraft on the information that you're getting back from the control panel.“ Steve Cunningham

4 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Definition of faith: “True Bible faith is confident obedience to God’s word in spite of circumstances and consequences.” Warren Wiersby

5 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Friggatriskaidekaphobia Definition – The fear of Friday the 13th


7 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.Outline the definition of faith as stated in (Hebrews 11:1-3). a. (1a) Faith is the “title deed” of things hoped for b. (1b)Faith is the “irrefutable proof” of things not seen c. (2) Faith was the way the Old Testament leaders gained approval d. (3a)Faith is based on the trustworthiness of God’s Word e. (3b)Faith is based on the unseen spiritual realm

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.Do you tend to make your decisions on things you can see (visible proof) or the unseen (promises of God)?

9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.How can you increase your faith in God’s unseen promises? a. Knowing and studying God’s Word b. Living with conviction about His promises c. Obeying His present commands

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.Complete the following phrases based on (Heb. 11:6). a. Without faith it is impossible to please God b. One must believe that God exists to have faith c. A faithful follower believes that God rewards those who follow Him

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.Based on (Heb. 11:7) what were some of the emotions and thoughts that Noah had to work through to press forward in faith? a. He had to launch out into the unknown b. He experienced fear c. He followed God’s command out of reverence d. He completed the task for the salvation of his household e. The rest of the world was condemned, he became an heir of righteousness

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. What is the most significant phrase about Abraham’s faith in (v. 8)? “…he did not know where he was going” yet he followed God anyway

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.Do you have to have everything planned out in your neat little box or can you go with God into the unknown?

14 8. The (saved) men of old lived for the unknown for the world to come, what was their fate according to (vs. 16)? DISCUSSION GUIDE God was not ashamed to be called their God and He prepared heaven for them

15 9. According to (v. 17) what profit can come from tests in our lives? DISCUSSION GUIDE When we endure tests, increased faith and reward will come

16 F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 10. Abraham had faith that God could raise his son from the dead if he sacrificed him, how much do you trust in the promises of God on a daily basis?

17 11. Moses gave up earthly treasures and endured the trials from the Israelites because he knew heavenly riches were superior (v. 26), are you following the example of Moses? How? F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH

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