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 What is Social WorkWhat is Social Work  It is organized work intended to advance the social conditions of a community, and especially of the disadvantaged,

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2  What is Social WorkWhat is Social Work  It is organized work intended to advance the social conditions of a community, and especially of the disadvantaged, by providing psychological counseling, guidance, and assistance, especially in the form of social services.

3  The Social Work Program at VWC  The Department of Social Work program, which is based on a strong foundation in the liberal arts, prepares students for generalist social work practice and graduate study.  The Social Work program at Virginia Wesleyan College is currently a candidate for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education.

4  What is Learned at VWCWhat is Learned at VWC  Through community service and classroom experience, students encounter the relationships and social contexts in which they will learn eventually practice.  Students are taught topics such as: o Mental & Physical Health o Human Rights o Diversity o Oppression o Economic and Social Justice

5  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator  After taking the test, my type was: ISFJ  Introvert (67%)  Sensing (12%)  Feeling (38%)  Judging (11%)

6  How Do ISFJ’s Relate to Social Work  They are good with people in small- group or one-on-one situations because of their patient and genuinely sympathetic approach to dealing with others.  Labeled as Provider, Nurturer, and Guardian.  Typical Fields of Study or Work included Social Work o Relatable Fields:  Alcohol/Drug Counselor  Personnel Counselor  Counseling (School)

7  Career ChoicesCareer Choices

8   Prior to coming to college, I was considered having a big heart. I tend to help people in any situation, as long as there is a good outcome. Even though there were times when people took my helpfulness for granted, it never changed my outlook because people go through different situations. By choosing social work, I want to be able to possibly change someone’s life, and make a better living for those I encounter. Why I Chose Social Work as my Career Path


10    spx spx  Work Work  Works CitedWorks Cited

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