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Digital Taxes Filing online in the US, UK, Australia and South Africa By Jennifer Johnson February 2, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Taxes Filing online in the US, UK, Australia and South Africa By Jennifer Johnson February 2, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Taxes Filing online in the US, UK, Australia and South Africa By Jennifer Johnson February 2, 2006

2 Criteria for Comparison: “What Makes a Great Website?” and my experience - Well-organized, edited, and timely original content set in an attractive, interactive, and consistent format are the traits of a great website. Can I find what I want, quickly? Is the process simple and straight-forward? Are other languages included?

3 US, UK, OZ = OK Possible for individuals and companies to file (aka “assess” or “lodge”) taxes online in the US, UK and Australia; South Africa – companies can e-file, but not individuals. Can download information and forms as PDFs and Word documents.

4 Filing in the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Fairly well organized with timely, accurate (we hope…) information; Found some pages busier than for other countries; Titles for links could have been more straight- forward; Spanish option

5 Filing in Australia Well organized, original, timely and accurate; Walking through tabs on the left was a bit tedious; Once you’re in, an easy process with logically organized steps; Lodging a 2005 tax return In MANY Languages;

6 Filing in the UK Well organized, original, timely and accurate; Easiest to navigate and find what I needed; Actual process more complicated than other countries (file for a PIN, etc.); Had more problems than other sites – some pages not available; Money, tax and benefits : Directgov Self Assessment - your tax return : Directgov - Money tax and benefits Self Assessment - your tax return : Directgov - Money tax and benefits Also in Welsh

7 South African and online taxes Tax - Information available, but not online filing; Many links were problematic – pages unavailable; Main page listed phone numbers, maps and other information you would need if e-filing is not an option; Languages?

8 ….and the winner is…. Australia – easiest overall process and in many languages; UK – most readable and navigable screen; US – possible to file online; South Africa – could soon be in third place….

9 Questions?

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