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Katy Bloom PGCE Science Welcome to the Pre-course meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Katy Bloom PGCE Science Welcome to the Pre-course meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katy Bloom PGCE Science Welcome to the Pre-course meeting

2 Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of this session you will… 1.Have met some other trainees 2.Have an understanding of how you can prepare for September and have set some subject knowledge targets for yourself.

3 Starter – who’s in the room? Talk to the person next to you, and find out: 1.Their name 2.Where they are from 3.What they are doing now and what they have done to prepare for the course next year. Shortly you will introduce this person to the rest of the room

4 Auditing Subject knowledge. Aim to fill this in for September (there is a general college one and a Science one, though varying by specialism) Start thinking now about what your key targets are for September in terms of subject knowledge. We will test your subject knowledge on the first day, be prepared!

5 Other things…. Subject knowledge support: – Institute of Physics – Royal Society of Chemistry – Institute of Biology Think about joining the Association of Science Education

6 Any questions…..

7 Plenary Over the summer I am planning to prepare for the course by…………

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