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Describing two graphs at the same time!!!!

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1 Describing two graphs at the same time!!!!

2 Today Feedback/ Advice and Review Game Practice and Writing Part 1
Describing two charts (part 1) Language to describe percentages/ proportions Practice and Writing Part 1 Homework/ Test

3 Good advice/ Bad advice
Leave a gap for every paragraph. Sentences with because and but are good. It’s good to have a very long paragraph. It’s better to write more words than the 250. It’s better to have fewer ideas developed more. There must be a link between topic and supporting ideas. It’s a good idea to finish writing early and check your answers. The only way to improve your writing speed is by practising under timed conditions. Spend 5-7 minutes planning before you write. Remember to do task 2 writing before task 1.

4 Answers

5 Language for Overviews
However, in contrast, whereas, on the other hand It’s the same as . . It’s like . . It’s different to . . It’s the opposite of . . Sales of cassettes fell steadily For example, for instance The main thing to note from the graph is Topic sentences and supporting ideas There was a sharp increase in number.

6 Running Dictation What does the table show?
When was the survey carried out and where? What does the pie chart show? Which group went backpacking/ on guided tours the most? Were travellers satisfied with their stay? What percent of year olds went on backpacking holidays? How does this compare for year olds? What percent of year olds went on guided tours, how does this compare for year olds, and the youngest group? What percentage of people were satisfied with their holiday in New Zealand? How many percent were not so?


8 The table provides a breakdown by selected age group of those on backpacking and guided tours in New Zealand in 2005, with the pie chart indicating whether they enjoyed their holiday or not. The most interesting thing to note is that generally younger people went on backpacking holidays, whereas older people favoured guided tours. As well as this, it’s important to point out that most travellers in New Zealand enjoyed their holiday. The group year olds, was the group which went backpacking the most, with nearly two thirds of them, (62%) going on this type of holiday. This compares to the older group years olds, in which a tiny minority (10%) went on backpacking tours. Guided tours were most popular for the group of people aged Just over half (57%) of them went on guided tours in This was substantially higher than year olds (nearly a third - 22%) and year olds (7%). Generally travellers in New Zealand were very content with their stay. The vast majority, 83% agreed that they enjoyed their holiday, with only a small minority, 10% disagreeing, and 7% stating that they weren’t sure.

9 Can you put the words into where they are?
100% Can you put the words into where they are? The vast majority Nearly a third Almost two thirds The overwhelming majority A tiny minority A small minority Just over half A mere twelve percent 0%

10 How do we make the sentence
a/the + _______ + of + plural noun + verb + noun phrase _________ + of + plural noun + verb + noun phrase With _________ + of + noun + verb+ing + noun phrase.

11 The vast majority of holiday makers to China were very satisfied with their experience.
Eighty Seven percent of holiday makers to China were very satisfied with their experience. Only eleven percent of filmgoers thought the films helped them understand the culture of the country. A tiny minority/ a small minority of filmgoers thought the films helped them understand the culture of the country. The trend went upward with almost half of companies establishing trade and cultural links in 2005. The trend went upward with 47% of companies establishing trade and cultural links in 2005. To sum up, nearly a third of all tourists were on the same form of package holiday. To sum up, 32 per cent of all tourists were on the same form of package holiday.

12 57% of them admitted to being unsatisfied with the hotels on offer.
Over half of them admitted to being unsatisfied with the hotels on offer. It is clear that about two-thirds of them favoured learning about a place online It is clear that about 65% of them favoured learning about a place online.

13 Practice – Use the words from today’s lesson to make sentences
63% - women - listen – to live music. 90% - men- listen to music on the way to work 13% - children – use an Iphone to listen to tracks small increase – with - 46% businesswomen/men – prefer read newspapers to music. 55% - new Mp3 players – replaced – in two years 27% - men – go to concerts at least once a year trend upward – with - 50% -men/women listen to music – before - sleep

14 Practice – Use the words from today’s lesson to make sentences
63% - women - listen – to live music. Near 90% - men- listen to music on the way to work 13% - children – use an Iphone to listen to tracks small increase – with - 46% businesswomen/men – prefer read newspapers to music. 55% - new Mp3 players – replaced – in two years 27% - men – go to concerts at least once a year trend upward – with - 50% -men/women listen to music – before - sleep

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