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Middle Ages: Islam. Warm-Up 1.Personal Needs 2.Copy homework into agenda 3.Update timeline….be sure to have these events/people/key terms in your time.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Ages: Islam. Warm-Up 1.Personal Needs 2.Copy homework into agenda 3.Update timeline….be sure to have these events/people/key terms in your time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Ages: Islam

2 Warm-Up 1.Personal Needs 2.Copy homework into agenda 3.Update timeline….be sure to have these events/people/key terms in your time line……… Byzantine Empire, Fall of Rome, Middle Ages, Dark Ages, Islam is born, Moors conquer Iberian Peninsula, Vikings, Charlemagne, Late Middle Ages, Norman Invasion, Crusades, Magna Carta, Hundred Year’s War, Black Death, Renaissance, Middle Ages Ends

3 Essential Questions 1. How did the Middle Ages compare & contrast to the ancient world in: technology, education, government, etc.? 2. How did Islam grow so rapidly in scope and power? 3. How did the Muslim World compare to the Christian World? 4. How are Judaism, Christianity and Islam similar? Different?

4 1. How did the Middle Ages compare & contrast to the ancient world in: technology, education, government, etc.? 2. How did Islam grow so rapidly in scope and power? 3. How did the Muslim World compare to the Christian World? 4. How are Judaism, Christianity and Islam similar? Different?


6 Islam – Holy Book Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Qur’an (Koran), the religion’s holy book.

7 Islam – Follows Muhammad Followers of Islam, known as Muslims, believe that God revealed these teachings to the prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel around A.D. 600.

8 Islam – In relation to Jews and Christians Islam teaches that there is only one God – the same God of Jews and Christians. In Arabic, God is called Allah. Muslims also believe in the prophets of Judaism and Christianity.

9 Islam – Relationship with Jews and Christians Muslims traditionally refer to Christians and Jews as “people of the book.” That is because Christians and Jews have received divine revelations from scriptures in the Bible.

10 Muslim Beliefs Muslims show their devotion by performing acts of worship known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These include faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and a pilgrimage to Mecca, a holy city.

11 Muslim Prayer Five times a day – dawn, noon, mid- afternoon, sunset, and evening – Muslims face towards Mecca to pray. Muslims stop what they are doing when they hear the call to prayer. Everything comes to a halt – even traffic.

12 Muslims Enter Europe Moors, Muslim peoples from North Africa, took control of the southern Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal).

13 Muslims Improve Europe Moorish rulers brought a more advanced culture to medieval Europe. Their architecture was beautiful. Muslims allowed freedom of worship to Jews and Christians. Muslim scholars made new discoveries in medicine, math, science, etc.

14 The Reconquista Muslims remained on the Iberian for almost eight centuries, when groups of Christians living in northern Spain drove Moors out of the region. This reconquering of the peninsulas is known as the reconquista.


16 Talk to your people. 1. How did the fall of the Roman Empire lead to the Middle Ages? 2. Who can Europeans turn to for leadership and structure in the Middle Ages? 3. Why was feudalism and manorialism necessary?

17 Independent Activity The world is facing struggles between Jews, Christians and Muslims. Take your knowledge on the monotheistic religions and Moorish influence in Europe, and come up with solutions to the world struggles.

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