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March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting11 “Get the Champagne out of the Bottle": China-North America Library Conference and Post-Conference Initiative Committee.

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1 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting11 “Get the Champagne out of the Bottle": China-North America Library Conference and Post-Conference Initiative Committee on Public Services Annual Meeting of the Council on East Asian Libraries Hawaii, March 29, 2011 Franklin Odo, Ph.D. Chief Asian Division, Library of Congress 202-707-5919, Anchi Hoh, Ph.D. Assistant Chief Asian Division, Library of Congress 202-707-5673, †††eScience @ LoC Team (eST)The Library of CongressWashington,D.C.†††eScience @ LoC Team (eST)The Library of CongressWashington,D.C.

2 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting2 “Get the champagne out of the bottle” - Librarian of Congress Dr. James H. Billington Further human understanding and wisdom by sharing the unparalleled treasures of the Library with people everywhere.

3 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting3 China-North America Library Conference Background The first China-US Library Conference, organized by the National Library of China and the American Library Association, was held in Beijing in August 1996, prior to the 62nd IFLA Congress. The 2nd Conference was held in Flushing, New York and Washington D.C in August 2001 with the theme of Strategic Policy Directions for China/US Library Cooperation.

4 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting4 China-North America Library Conference Background The 3rd Conference was held in Shanghai in March 2005, sponsored by the National Library of China, the Library Society of China, American Association of Research Libraries, the Library of Congress, and hosted by Shanghai Library. –Topics: Digital resources construction and services, theories and practices in information and knowledge management, research in patrons’ requirements and utilizing behavior, the core value of digital library and its realization, and cooperation in knowledge management and service in both countries. The 4th Conference took place in October 2007, OCLC headquarter, Dublin, Ohio, jointly organized by the National Library of China, the Library Society of China, Library of Congress and Association of Research Libraries. –Theme: Cooperation Among Libraries, Museums, and Archives Within and Between China and the United States.

5 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting55 China-North America Library Conference The Fifth China-North America Library Conference in Beijing, China, September 2010, aimed to identify post- conference initiatives that are mutually beneficial.

6 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting6 China-North America Library Conference Scope –To enhance the mutual exchange, strengthen the digital sharing, and meet the challenges both the Chinese and American libraries facing in this field. Mission –To promote the profound research and exploration in digital resources sharing, and to further mutual exchanges and cooperation. Hosts –National Library of China, the Library Society of China and the Library of Congress, USA.

7 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting7 Current North America Organizing Committee Members Deanna Marcum Associate Librarian for Library Services Library of Congress James K. M. Cheng Librarian Harvard-Yenching Library of the Harvard College Library Harvard University Sayeed Choudhury Associate Dean for Library Digital Programs and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center Eisenhower Libraries Johns Hopkins University Jay Jordan President and Chief Executive Officer OCLC Haipeng Li University Librarian Au Shue Hung Memorial Library Hong Kong Baptist University Ingrid T. Parent University Librarian Office of the University Librarian University of British Columbia Gary E. Strong University Librarian University of California, Los Angeles

8 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting8 Current North America Organizing Committee Members (Cont’d) Betsy Wilson Dean of University Libraries University of Washington Libraries Peter R. Young Former Director, National Agricultural Library Former Chief, Asian Division Library of Congress Sha Li Zhang Assistant Dean for Collections and Technical Services University of North Carolina at Greensboro Ethan Zuckerman Berkman Fellow & Technologist Global Voices Senior Advisors Franklin Odo Chief Asian Division Library of Congress Anchi Hoh Assistant Chief Asian Division Library of Congress

9 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting9 Conference Theme Theme –Sharing Digital Resources: Challenges and Opportunities Participants –Experts and scholars from North American libraries, Chinese public libraries, university libraries, research libraries, etc

10 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting10 Highlights of Dr. Marcum’s Keynote Speech Vision: –A vision of the Global Digital Library created by the Council of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL). CDNL, which is chaired by Penny Carnaby, director of the New Zealand National Library, has initiated a project to develop a Global Digital Library. The CDNL initiative is intended to produce a distributed library, through which national libraries would expose metadata for digital library objects of all kinds for harvesting. The “long-term vision” is as follows: “…the development of a global distributed digital library -– comprehensive, open, seamlessly-connected, and universally accessible on the Internet –- giving ready access to library materials in the collections of all the national libraries of the world….” (“CDNL Vision for the Global Digital Library,” accessed 2 August 2010.)

11 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting11 Highlights of Dr. Marcum’s Keynote Speech Libraries have traditionally provided opportunities for patrons to connect with resources and services where creative intellectual, educational, and entertainment activities thrive. The library’s guiding concept has been as a place where all are free to pursue their interests.

12 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting12 Five Sub-Themes Resource Sharing Policies and Perspectives Digital Infrastructure and Repository Technology Research Data Sharing Sharing Digital Preservation Methods Shared Digital Access, Retrieval and Use

13 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting13 Sub-Theme 1 Resource Sharing Policies and Perspectives Issues and topics include: –Policies to facilitate bilateral collaboration Open content access, open service standards –Digital content acquisition and sharing policies, structures, and procedures Provisions for special collections and for geospatial content, rare books, audio-visual materials, etc. Provisions for multimedia content Perspectives for digitally reformatted and born digital content –Intellectual property rights Content ownership and access/use policies for sharing digital resources Digital resource access licenses Use restrictions for sharing digital resources –Multi-type institutional collaboration Models of digital resource sharing and development

14 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting14 Sub-Theme 1 Speakers Zhang Yanbo Director of the National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Management Center Carole Moore Chief Librarian University of Toronto Libraries Paul F. Uhlir Director, NRC Board on Research Data and Information The National Academy of Sciences N.Am. Co-Moderator: Gary E. Strong, University Librarian, University of California, Los Angeles N.Am. Co- Recorder: James Cheng, Librarian, Harvard- Yenching Library of the Harvard College Library, Harvard University Participant: Anne R. Kenney, Carl A. Kroch University Librarian, Cornell University

15 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting15 Sub-Theme 2 Digital Infrastructure and Repository Technology Technical repository infrastructure requirements –Interoperable architecture –Digital content transfer, validation, verification, and management Format management and metadata standards –Metadata schema and standards Trusted long-term planning for scholarly communication –Authentication and verification Maintenance, administration, and security issues

16 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting16 Sub-Theme 2 Speakers Zhu Qiang Professor & Director, Peking University Library Sayeed Choudhury Associate Dean for Library Digital Programs and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center, Eisenhower Libraries, Johns Hopkins University, USA He Defang Director of the Institute of Science and Technology Information of China Peter R. Young Former Director, National Agricultural Library and former Chief, Asian Division, Library of Congress, USA N.Am. Co-Moderator: Ingrid Parent, University Librarian, Office of the University Librarian,University of British Columbia N.Am. Co-Recorder: Haipeng Li, University Librarian, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, Hong Kong Baptist University Participant: Ann J. Wolpert, Director of Libraries, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries

17 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting17 Sub-Theme 3 Research Data Sharing Data-driven research services Unique identifiers for digital data and information content –Linking data with publication information Management of compound digital objects –Static and dynamic digital content objects –Linking distributed digital data content Multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, and trans-disciplinary research data sharing

18 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting18 Sub-Theme 3 Speakers Xiao Ximing Professor, the department head and PhD supervisor of Library Science Department at School of Information Management, Wuhan University Christine L. Borgman Presidential Chair & Professor of Information Studies, UCLA, USA Jiang Ying Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Library Lee Dirks Director, Education & Scholarly Communication, External Research Microsoft Corporation N.Am. Co-Moderator: Isabel Stirling, Associate University Librarian, University of California, Berkeley N.Am. Co-Recorder: Anchi Hoh, Assistant Chief, Asian Division, Library of Congress Participant: Peter Zhou, Assistant University Librarian, Director, C.V. Starr East AsianLibrary, University of California, Berkeley

19 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting19 Sub-Theme 4 Sharing Digital Preservation Methods Long-term preservation, access, and sustainability –Data conservation, curation and preservation Digital preservation technology methods –Digital transfer and migration Long-term digital archiving Collaborative cooperation Workforce development

20 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting20 Sub-Theme 4 Speakers Zhang Zhiqing Deputy Director of the National Library of China Richard E.Luce Vice Provost and Director, Emory University Libraries, USA Liu Xiaoqing Associate Librarian of Zhejiang Library Thomas Garnett Associate Director for Digital Library and Information Systems, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, USA N.Am. Co-Moderator: Nancy Cline, Roy E. Larsen Librarian of Harvard College, Harvard University Libraries N.Am. Co-Recorder: Zhijia Shen, Director, East Asia Library, University of Washington Participant: Brewster Kahle, Digital Librarian, Internet Archive Participant: Yuan Zhou, Curator for East Asian Collection and Director of Public Services (Interim)

21 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting21 Sub-Theme 5 Shared Digital Access, Retrieval and Use Explore, search, discover, retrieve issues –Classification and tagging –Semantic web Reuse and repurposing of digital content –Provenance User surveys Multi-language access and retrieval Social networking applications

22 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting22 Sub-Theme 5 Speakers Li Lijun Deputy Director of Beijing Municipal Archives Kevin Guthrie President of ITHAKA, USA Xiao Fei Director of the Information Network Department of National Museum of China Lorcan Dempsey Vice President and Chief Strategist, OCLC, USA N.Am. Co-Moderator : Jay Jordan, President and Chief Executive Officer, OCLC N.Am. Co-Recorder : Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, Institute of Museum and Library Services Participant: Martin Gomez, City Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library

23 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting23 Observers Larry Alford Dean of University Libraries, Temple University Libraries, Samuel Paley Library Albert Hoffstädt Publishing manager & senior editor, Asian Studies, Brill Charles James Horton III Senior Vice President, Managing Director of East Asia Pacific, ProQuest Shuyong Jiang Project Director, IMLS Funded TGAG China- US Library Collaboration Project, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alice Keller Editorial Director, Library and Information Science & History De Gruyter Saur Kent Lee President and CEO, East View Information Services Deborah Loeding H.W. Wilson Company Tai-loi Ma Curator, East Asian Library and Gest Collection, Princeton University Frank Menchaca Executive Vice President, Publishing, Gale, A part of Cengage Learning Robert Seal Dean of Libraries, Loyola University Libraries, Loyola University Fucheng Shen Chief Representative, Ex Libris Beijing Representative Office Winston Tabb Sheridan Director and Dean of University Libraries, The Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University Sharlene Tilley Executive Director, International Marketing, ProQuest Andrew H. Wang Vice President, Asia Pacific Region, OCLC Online Computer Library Company Jidong Yang Head, Asia Library, University of Michigan Hugo Zhang Managing Director, Elsevier S&T in China, Reed Elsevier Information Technology

24 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting24 POST-CONFERENCE INITIATIVE “China-North America Collaboration on Chinese Rare Book Digitization and Metadata Sharing.”

25 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting25 PROJECT PROPOSAL Project Goal: -Through the assistance and collaboration of rare book subject experts and repository technology experts in China and North America, to create a national digital repository of the comprehensive holdings of Chinese rare books among the East Asian libraries in North America.

26 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting26 COLLABORATION To achieve this goal, this project calls for a broad collaboration among the East Asian libraries in North America.

27 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting27 INVITATIONS TO 13 EAST ASIAN LIBRARIES IN NORTH AMERICA Harvard-Yenching Library at Harvard University Asian Division at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Gest Oriental Collection and East Asian Library at Princeton University East Asian Library at the University of British Columbia University of California, Berkeley Columbia University University of Toronto Yale University Cornell University New York Public Library University of Chicago University of Washington University of California, Los Angeles Stanford University other East Asian collections in North America that also hold Chinese rare books

28 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting28 DRAFT PROPOSAL Initial progressive implementation plan that consists of at least the following two phases: Phase I Conducting an online survey of the holdings of Chinese rare books among the thirteen East Asian collections in North America. This survey will be able to inform the number of Chinese rare book titles that need cataloging and call for the assistance of subject experts in China. 28

29 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting29 DRAFT PROPOSAL Phase II – Identify a number of East Asian partnering libraries to convene an initial meeting and discuss collaboration. Discussion topics should include best practices, collaboration model, funding resources, cataloging solutions, metadata standards sharing, and other potential partners, etc. This core group (library directors and key curators) will be invited by Dr. Marcum to convene a Steering Committee.

30 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting30 Steering Committee Role and Responsibilities –Report to the North America Organizing Committee –Hold regular teleconferences to explore collaboration model and ensure steady progress; communicate via email and meetings –Using the current proposal, create project management documents, including scope, collaboration model, budget, funding, measures of success, roles and responsibilities, milestones, deliverables, risk assessment, work breakdown structure, communication plan, etc. –Design detailed implementation plans and involve all participating libraries in order to pursue the successful completion of the project.

31 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting31 NEXT STEPS Undoubtedly, such broad-extent undertaking of the digital preservation of Asian cultural heritage across North America is unprecedented and requires extremely thorough planning and tireless pursuit. A number of institutions (including Cornell, OCLC, and UBC) have expressed their strong interest and support. This project will be mutually beneficial not only for the East Asian libraries in North America and participating academic/research libraries in China, but also for the scholarly communities everywhere.

32 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting32 CONTACTS Franklin Odo, Ph.D. Chief Asian Division, Library of Congress 202-707-5919, Anchi Hoh, Ph.D. Assistant Chief Asian Division, Library of Congress 202-707-5673,

33 March 29, 2011CEAL - CPS Meeting33 Questions and Answers Thank you.

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