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Health during Infancy & Childhood Islamic University Nursing college.

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Presentation on theme: "Health during Infancy & Childhood Islamic University Nursing college."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health during Infancy & Childhood Islamic University Nursing college

2 Assessment of health of children Mortality rate. Morbidity rate. The assessment of the two variables can reflect: 1- Causes of deaths. 2- Age group at risk for hazards and diseases. Over period of time

3 Statistics Incidence: ex. Number of new cases of DM over specific period of time. Prevalence: ex. Number of old & new cases of DM over specific period of time. Mortality: Number of individuals who died over specific period of time per 1000. ( death certificates) Infant mortality rate (IMR): Number of deaths per 1000 live births during first year of life in specific year. Two type of IMR:  Neonatal mortality: From birth to 28 days of life.  Postnatal mortality: From one month to 12 months of life.

4 Decrease IMR due to  Good infection control.  Improve nutritional conditions.  New generation of antibiotic and antimicrobial.  Advanced care of preconception care, prenatal, natal and postnatal care.  Improve the health and education of the population as general.

5 Main leading causes of deaths in Palestine  Respiratory diseases.  Infections.  Low birth weight.  Congenital malformations.  Sudden death.

6 Causes of Deaths 1. Infants: 0-12 months: A.Prenatal condition:  Aspiration pneumonia.  Cord compression.  Difficult labor. B. Congenital malformations:  Teteralogy of fallout.  Tracheoesophageal fistula.  Others. C. Infection & sepsis.

7 Causes of Deaths 2. Childhood: Accidents. Cancers. Congenital anomalies (Cystic fibrosis, Thalassemia, etc…). Infections. (Respiratory tract & Gastrointestinal) Malnutrition. 3. Adolescents: o Accidents and suicide.

8 Morbidity Morbidity definition: Statistics the prevalence of a specific illness in the population at a particular time per 1000. Example: number of bacterial meningitis in children under age of five years in 2013.

9 Morbidity in children Morbidity in children definition: Any illness sever enough to limit activity or require medical attention. Classified as:  Acute (respiratory. infections, injuries).  Chronic or disability.  Social illnesses ( behavioral, psychosocial & educational problems( poverty, violence and school failure)


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