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International activities Crossing borders with ROC Flevoland.

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Presentation on theme: "International activities Crossing borders with ROC Flevoland."— Presentation transcript:

1 International activities Crossing borders with ROC Flevoland

2 - More students in 2008 (2007: 135) Internships and exchange - International programmes and foreign languages for all students - 2008: 2 new projects within Europe - (new) subsidies for student exchange and interships Agreements made for 2007-2008

3 Dmitrov

4 - Second modern language for students level 3 and 4 - International oriëntation (excursions) i.e. visit European Parlement en city trips - International activities / projects with external partners: Chambers of Commerce, foundation Out of Area, Province Flevoland - Group exchange with different countries - Extension International internships world wide International exchange and internships in 2008

5 Sarajevo

6 - Number of students over the Dutch borders: >400 students -New projects in: Spain, Poland and Latvia - Exchange ROC with the foundation Out of Area in Bosnia Herzegovina - Internships: 10 hospital nurses in Spain, 2 students hotel and catering in China are the highlights in 2008 -subsidies: all projects and European internships with funding > 103.000 euro Results 2007 - 2008

7 Praha

8 - Poland: Gdynia student exchange with the department of international trade -Spain (10 students from the department of hospital nursing are care taking for Dutch pensionados) - Institute Information Engineering Almere (IIE) ICT to Dmitrov Dubna University - Turkey, Poland, Spain, Latvia (teachers preliminary visits ) More contacts in 2007-08 (1)

9 Gdynia (Poland)

10 - Russia, Dmitrov, hotel and catering students and College Company winners exchange - Latvia, Riga, possible cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce Flevoland and the College Company - Czech Republic, Praha, Internships students administration - Monitor new memberstates in Europe for possible exchange (Bulgaria, Romenia) - Bosnia, Sarajevo, ROC with 100 students with the foundation Out of Area More contacts in 2007-08 (2)

11 Annaberg (Germany)

12 - Working together - Planning - Learn to make agreements - Being able to speak the foreign language in the visited country - Experience with a different culture - How to deal with various differences and values - Create bonds of friendship with fellow students abroad Students expectations?

13 Shanghai (China)

14 - Realisation 2 new projects within Europe -Explore possibilities projects in Maroc (North Africa) -10% more students abroad with student exchange -20% more students international internships - Set up E-twinning project with a school in Spain, Miranda del Ebro New agreements for 2009

15 You can find ROC Flevoland Straat van Florida 1, 1334 PA Almere Buiten Flevoland, the Netherlands Agorawagenplein 1, 8224 KP Lelystad Flevoland, the Netherlands

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