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Charles Sheeler’s Industrial landscapes. C HARLES S HEELER  1813-1965  Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Attended Pennsylvania Museum School of.

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Presentation on theme: "Charles Sheeler’s Industrial landscapes. C HARLES S HEELER  1813-1965  Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Attended Pennsylvania Museum School of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles Sheeler’s Industrial landscapes

2 C HARLES S HEELER  1813-1965  Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Attended Pennsylvania Museum School of Art & Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.  Painter & commercial photographer focusing mainly on architectural subjects.  Recognized as one of the founders of American modernism & one of the master photographers of the 20 th century.

3 I NDUSTRIAL L ANDSCAPES  Represents a change in the subject of landscape art from nature to man-made architecture.  Buildings and factories instead of mountains and forests; smoke instead of clouds.  Painted using a technique that complemented his photography and emphasized linear precision. Amoskeag Canal, 1948

4 F ord M otor C o.  In 1927, Sheeler hired to paint and photograph the factories at Ford Motor Company’s automobile plant in River Rouge, Michigan.  32 photographs depicting its acres of machinery and smokestacks rather than the human process of labor.  Would go on to examine the plant with works in a number of mediums.

5 American Landscapes, 1930 Classic Landscape, 1931

6 S heeler’s L egacy  Left behind a body of work that explored the balance between abstraction and representation, photography and painting, and an increasingly industrialized present and a more simple past. Stacks in Celebration, 1954

7 W orks C ited       

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