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1. In the morning when I wake, Before I work or play, Always I remember To kneel and softly pray. 2. When I go to bed at night, I love to kneel and say,

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Presentation on theme: "1. In the morning when I wake, Before I work or play, Always I remember To kneel and softly pray. 2. When I go to bed at night, I love to kneel and say,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. In the morning when I wake, Before I work or play, Always I remember To kneel and softly pray. 2. When I go to bed at night, I love to kneel and say, “Thank thee, Heav’nly Father, For blessings of the day.” Words and music: Moiselle Renstrom, 1889–1956 Enrichment Activity #5

2 “Lesson 42: Daniel in the Lions’ Den,” Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996),185

3 Imagine that the house drawn here is your home. Imagine that you have to go a long way from home to visit a relative, stay in a hospital, or go on a mission.

4 How would you communicate with your family when you were that far away from home? What would you want to talk about?

5 When we lived with Heavenly Father, we could communicate with him as easily as we can with our families and our parents here on earth. And now, even though we were separated from our Heavenly Father when we came to earth, we can still communicate with him.

6 How has Heavenly Father told us we can communicate with him? Why does Heavenly Father want us to pray to him? He loves us, he wants us to love him, he wants us to ask for help, and he wants to bless us.


8 There There was a new king of Babylon. His name was Darius. King Darius chose men to help him. Daniel was their leader. The other men did not like Daniel. They did not want him to be their leader.

9 The men knew Daniel prayed to God. They went to the king. They asked him to make a new law. The men knew Daniel prayed to God. They went to the king. They asked him to make a new law. The king made the new law. It said people could not pray to God. The king made the new law. It said people could not pray to God. People who did not obey the law would be put in a lions’ den. The lions would eat them. People who did not obey the law would be put in a lions’ den. The lions would eat them.

10 Daniel Daniel prayed to God three times a day. The wicked men saw Daniel praying. They told the king.

11 The king knew Daniel must be put in the lions’ den. The king tried to think of a way to save him. The king knew Daniel must be put in the lions’ den. The king tried to think of a way to save him. But the law could not be changed. The king told his servants to put Daniel in the lions’ den. King Darius told Daniel God would save him.

12 The king fasted all night. He could not sleep. In the morning the king went to the lions’ den. He called to Daniel. Daniel answered. The lions had not hurt him. He said God had shut the lions’ mouths.

13 The king was very happy. Daniel was safe because God had helped him.


15 Let’s read Daniel 5:29– 31 and 6:1–3 What was Daniel’s position in the government of King Darius?

16 Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were cast into the fiery furnace. He had a grandson named Belshazzar who later became the king of Babylon. He had a grandson named Belshazzar who later became the king of Babylon.

17 Daniel Daniel correctly interpreted a message from God to Belshazzar and was rewarded by being made one of the three highest rulers in the kingdom. After Belshazzar was killed, Darius became the king of Babylon.

18 Why was Daniel chosen to be the highest of the 120 princes? Let’s read Daniel 6:3 “An excellent spirit was in him” means that Daniel had the Spirit of God to guide him. Why would someone who has the Spirit of God be a good person to trust and give responsibility to?

19 What did the other presidents and princes want to do to Daniel? What did the other presidents and princes want to do to Daniel? Let’s Let’s read Daniel 6:4 Why Why do you think they wanted to find fault with him?

20 How can we handle situations where others find fault in us for living righteously? How can we handle situations where others find fault in us for living righteously? What did they finally decide to use against Daniel? Let’s read Daniel 6:5, 7

21 Think of situations when you have been or might be persecuted for living the gospel. Think of situations when you have been or might be persecuted for living the gospel. Enrichment Activity #1 What are some suggestions for handling such situations? What are some suggestions for handling such situations?

22 Why do you think King Darius signed the decree? Let’s read Daniel 6:6–9 The princes and presidents used flattery to trick the king into making the decree. What is the difference between sincere compliments and flattery?

23 How did Darius feel when he realized what he had done? Let’s read Daniel 6:14 What did Daniel do when he heard the decree? Let’s read Daniel 6:10– 11 Why do you think Daniel continued to pray?

24 Why is it so important to pray each day? What What do you think you would do in a situation like Daniel’s?

25 How have prayer and fasting helped you and your family? was the result of Daniel’s prayers and Darius’s fasting? Let’s read Daniel 6:22–23 How was Daniel blessed for obeying God?

26 How have you been blessed for obeying God? How has the Lord answered your prayers? Sometimes our prayers are not answered in the ways we would like, but we are always blessed for praying daily and for doing what is right.

27 How How important is daily prayer? Enrichment Activity #4 What are some of the times you might pray?

28 Let’s Let’s list on the board what you might ask for and be thankful for in your prayers. Enrichment Activity #4

29 You should always express gratitude for blessings, asking for the Lord’s help throughout the day, and pray with your families whenever possible.

30 What was King Darius’s second decree? Let’s read Daniel 6:25–27 How was King Darius’s second decree different from his first decree? Let’s read Daniel 6:7–8

31 Whom did King Darius seek praise for in the first decree? Whom did he seek praise for in his second decree? His second decree was a statement of his testimony of the living God.

32 Each of us will take a turn saying one thing that we could either pray for or show gratitude for and place a toothpick across the top of this bottle. We will continue until the toothpicks fall. Enrichment Activity #2

33 a. You hear your mother up in the night with your sick brother. a. You hear your mother up in the night with your sick brother. b. You become separated from your family in a crowd. b. You become separated from your family in a crowd. c. A friend shows you a magazine that contains inappropriate pictures. c. A friend shows you a magazine that contains inappropriate pictures. d. You are unhappy about your grades in school. d. You are unhappy about your grades in school. e. Someone in your ward or branch is seriously ill. e. Someone in your ward or branch is seriously ill. Enrichment Activity #3


35 I bear my testimony that Heavenly Father hears our prayers and will answer them for our good. I encourage each of you to pray every morning and night.

36 Images and clipart are from,, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain. The hymn, lesson and scripture story are from Images and clipart are from,, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain. The hymn, lesson and scripture story are from Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.

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