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Tyler O. Walters, Associate Director, Technology & Resource Services Library & Information Center, Georgia Institute of Technology For NSF Site Visit to.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyler O. Walters, Associate Director, Technology & Resource Services Library & Information Center, Georgia Institute of Technology For NSF Site Visit to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyler O. Walters, Associate Director, Technology & Resource Services Library & Information Center, Georgia Institute of Technology For NSF Site Visit to MIT, February 8 2010

2  To establish a system of federated, distributed data repositories. (GT: recognizes need for this research infrastructure)  Shared background with MIT, DSpace development since 2003  Collaborate on data curation research and services, start with neurosciences and biosciences  GT is committed to advancing its data curation program (created “research data librarian” position)

3 GT/GSU Center for Advanced Brain Imaging (CABI) (Chris Rordan, Director)  CABI = 27 PIs / faculty + 35-40 researchers, Center holds ca. 120 TB  Neuroscience: leading example of a domain that will curate its data in a diffuse fashion; hence, university-level solutions will become significant  fMRI brain studies -- Formats: DICOM, NIfTI, and EEG numeric data  Work with Prof. Paul Corballis:  Data Dissemination: publisher rules vary -- researchers desire linking e- publishing activities with final data, however, they struggle with how best to enact primary-secondary source relationship

4  2007-09: Library Data Curation Work Group  Interviewed researchers about data practices/needs, collected interview data  2009-10: Research Data Project Librarian & Workgroup  Continue assessments of faculty data practices (using DAF)  Library’s Digital Development Team  Assessing & implementing technology infrastructure for data curation  Core systems for data curation  Sun StorageTek 2540 disk arrays / SL 500 Tape Library / Sun SAM server & ZFS  Work with MIT technology stack for data curation  Extended storage and preservation services (external partners, e.g. MetaArchive, Chronopolis, consider new DuraCloud service)

5 MIT: Martinos Imaging Center / GT: Ctr. for Advanced Brain Imaging Synergies in data curation to advance science through data sharing, publishing, and preservation The GT Team:  Library: data curator, storage/network manager, programmer, repository librarian, psychology librarian, AD for technology (Walters)  OIT: director of infrastructure and architecture (Chen)  CABI: Prof. Corballis, graduate student  Advisors: Prof. David Bader, Exec. Director, High-Performance Computing Dr. Bill Underwood (GTRI), digital archives research Prof. Leo Mark (Computing), atmospheric science data curation

6  Data deposition/acquisition/ingest  SIPs prepared by CABI graduate student / GT Research Data Librarian  Data curation and metadata management  Collaborate on metadata guidelines, policies on access, retention, formats, etc.  Data protection (policies, tools, procedures)  Chen (OIT), Baines (OIT Info. Security), Helms and Walters (Library), Corballis (CABI)  Data discovery, access, use, dissemination  Collaborate on portal design, descriptive metadata for expert and citizen use  Data interoperability, standards, integration  Identify, develop, and use in-common ontologies, semantic frameworks, data transfer and integration protocols between partners  Data evaluation, analysis, and visualization  Build technical framework to incorporate researcher’s tools

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