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09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 1 Pastor Nominating Committee Training The Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse The Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 1 Pastor Nominating Committee Training The Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse The Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 1 Pastor Nominating Committee Training The Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse The Committee on Ministry

2 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 2 Devotions and Prayer A study of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 The sharing of prayer concerns A time of prayer

3 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 3 Preparing For Our Ministry As A Pastor Nominating Committee Introductions –Name –How long have you been associated with this congregation? –How do you serve Jesus Christ in this congregation? Please share a story about a minister who made a significant impact on your life

4 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 4 Welcome to the Presbyterian Alphabet Soup! PCUSA – Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) PNC – Pastor Nominating Committee COM – Committee on Ministry CLC – Church Leadership Connection CIF – Church Information Form PIF – Personal Information Form

5 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 5 Theological Foundations of the Pastoral Call Process What is a “call”? Who is “called”? Election to PNC is a sacred trust

6 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 6 An Overview of the Activities of a Pastor Nominating Committee ü Getting organized ü Writing a church information form ü Receiving approval of a CIF ü Searching for candidates ü Reviewing personal information forms ü Interviewing ü Selecting a final candidate ü Presenting the candidate to the congregation

7 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 7 Getting Organized Chair Vice Chair Secretary Devotions and Spiritual Life of the PNC Budget Communication –With Presbytery –With Candidates –With Session/Congregation –With Interim Pastor

8 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 8 Resources “On Calling A Pastor – A Manual for Churches Seeking Pastors” –PC(U.S.A.) Churchwide Personnel Services “Searching For A Pastor The Presbyterian Way” by Dean E. Foose –Geneva Press “Pastoral Search” by John Vanhof –The Alban Institute

9 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 9 The Church Information Form Ø What is it? Ø What is it used for? Ø How do we write it? Ø What resources are available?

10 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 10 Who Approves the CIF? Ø The Pastor Nominating Committee Ø The Session Ø The Committee on Ministry Ø Church Leadership Connection

11 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 11 Searching for Candidates v Submitting the CIF to the Church Leadership Connection v Advertising in church publications? v Word of mouth v Self-Referrals  Check them out with the Presbytery! v Provide an Informational Packet on Church and Community

12 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 12 Reviewing PIFs ü Email/Phone call to confirm availability ü Reading Teams? oWhat do we look for? oChecklist? ü Which ones should we consider?

13 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 13 Preaching Gifts Visit to current church of service? Sermon tape/video

14 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 14 The Telephone Interview Ø Develop set of questions Ø Speaker phone? Conference Call? Ø Set up appointment Ø One questioner or several? Ø 45 minutes max Ø Keep notes!

15 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 15 Reference Checks Develop questions to ask Who calls? Take notes Secondary references? PRESBYTER TO PRESBYTER CHECK

16 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 16 Face to Face Interview Invite candidate for visit, interview, and/or preaching at a “neutral pulpit”. –Family? PNC pays all candidate’s expenses –Family expenses? Meet with PNC Tour Church building and community Meet with COM representatives? Preaching at a neutral pulpit?

17 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 17 Selecting the Final Candidate Consult with COM Make sure all reference checks have been completed Prepare Terms of Call to be offered to candidate Contact the candidate and invite him/her to candidate Negotiate Terms of Call

18 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 18 The Congregational Meeting Session is asked to call a meeting of the Congregation Congregation receives packet of information about candidate Candidate (and family?) arrive on Friday Candidate given some free time on Saturday Informal reception at church (Saturday?) Candidate leads worship and preaches Congregational Meeting Vote

19 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 19 Approval by Presbytery Candidate presents statement of faith and is interviewed by COM Candidate’s presbytery must dismiss Cayuga-Syracuse must approve call, terms of call, and transfer of candidate

20 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 20 The Ministry Begins! Starting date Moving arrangements PNC dismissed with thanks! Celebration and prayer

21 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 21 Some Final Thoughts Importance of Confidentiality –Within PNC membership –Everything surrounding the candidates Importance of Communication –With Session –With Congregation on a regular basis Bulletin Board Website Sunday Bulletin Sunday Minute for the PNC

22 09/10/2009 The Presbytery Of Cayuga-Syracuse - Committee on Ministry 22 God Bless Your Special Ministry!

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