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Made by: Sameer Khan & Hammad.  The Scottish Engineer named Henry Bill built a steam powered boat in the year 1812. The steam boat was called Comet.

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Presentation on theme: "Made by: Sameer Khan & Hammad.  The Scottish Engineer named Henry Bill built a steam powered boat in the year 1812. The steam boat was called Comet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made by: Sameer Khan & Hammad


3  The Scottish Engineer named Henry Bill built a steam powered boat in the year 1812. The steam boat was called Comet. It was the first successful commercial steam boat built in Europe. Now looking back Comet was the boat that caused the beginning of a revolution in the navigation industry.


5  The first ever Rubber Band was invented in the year 1845 by Stephen Perry of the company Messers Perry and Co.  It was a rubber manufacturing company in London, England.  The rubber band was constructed from vulcanized rubber.  Perry then invented the rubber band to serve the purpose of holding papers and envelopes together.  Today modern rubber technology has allowed production of rubbers from low quality to bands with extremely high strengths.


7  Joel Houghton invented the first ever dish washer in 1850. His machine was basically a wheel which could be turned by hand and on turning it used to splash water on dishes, though it was a good concept but this machine was not much effective at that time.  The first automatic dish washer was invented by Mrs. Josephine Garis, in the year 1889. Her machine consisted of the wooden tub and the wired basket in it.  The dishes were placed in the basket and the dishes were rotated by rollers. There was a handle attached to the tub, when the handle was turned hot and soapy water was sprayed on to the dishes.


9  The first electric light in the history was made in the year 1800 by Humphry Davy, an English scientist. He also invented an electric battery while experimenting with electricity.  When he connected carbon with the wires of his battery, the carbon glowed hence producing light.  The first electric bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the year 1879.The electric bulb revolutionized the world.


11  Before the fountain pen was invented pen tips had to be dipped in ink each time after writing few words.  Waterman invented the fountain pen in the year 1884 and revolutionized the writing forever.  His invention consisted of a reservoir to hold the ink, just below the metal nib. This reservoir was able to hold enough ink to write few pages of writing.

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