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Athens and Sparta.

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Presentation on theme: "Athens and Sparta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens and Sparta

2 "The walls of Sparta were its young men, and its borders the points of their spears.” -King Agesilaos

3 Sparta - Lifestyle and Values
Fear Aim in life: to be fighting fit Discouraged personal expression Valued duty, strength, discipline Trained to dislike luxury Weak babies killed at birth Service above all else

4 Sparta - Education Boys begin at age 7 Reading, writing
Mostly athletics and military training Strict adherence to suffering Girls being at age 7 Reading, writing, gymnastics, athletics, survival

5 Women’s Roles - Sparta Educated Allowed to participate in sports
Goal: to produce strong babies Treated more as equals

6 Sparta - Government Oligarchy Two kings Five “ephors” Overseers
Council “apella” Judges Proposed laws Assembly A Spartan King

7 Sparta - Government

8 Sparta - Social Structure
Spartiates Military professionals Perioeci Outsiders Could not vote Helots Peasant workers

9 Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts and eloquence -John Milton

10 Athens - Values and Lifestyle
Meaningful life Intellectual pursuits Wisdom Curiosity Mind/Body perfection Civic responsibility Cultural superiority Trade

11 Athens - Education Males: Wealthy males Begin at 5
End - dependent on wealth Broader education Older boys Logic, philosophy, ethics, public speaking Military school Athletics each day Females: No formal schooling Domestic education by female household members

12 Athens - Women’s Roles In the home Learned the art of domestic duty
Some roles in religious life Couldn’t play sports

13 Athens - Social Structure
Freemen All male citizens Divided into classes Aristocrats Middle ranks Thetes - lowest class Metics Outsiders Not allowed to own land Could run industries and businesses. Slaves Lowest class with no rights Some were given important roles in Athens, like policemen Women No rights

14 Democratic Principles
Direct Democracy: Citizens vote directly rather than having a representative Public Debate Able to openly discuss different topics Duties of citizen Know the law and follow it Civic responsibilities Democratic Principles

15 Activity: each of you is a greek citizen of either sparta or athens
Activity: each of you is a greek citizen of either sparta or athens. You must develop a list of 10 reasons why your city-state is better to live in.

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