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Students Resolving Conflicts Making Choices ITEEA Annual Conference 2015, Milwaukee, WI Cal Halliburton and Joanne Trombley, DTE Instructional Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Students Resolving Conflicts Making Choices ITEEA Annual Conference 2015, Milwaukee, WI Cal Halliburton and Joanne Trombley, DTE Instructional Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students Resolving Conflicts Making Choices ITEEA Annual Conference 2015, Milwaukee, WI Cal Halliburton and Joanne Trombley, DTE Instructional Materials available at

2 Joanne Trombley, DTE Received her BS in Industrial Arts Ed. from Cheyney State College and her M. A. in Ed. from Gratz College. Her varied employment experiences include cost estimator for a greeting card company, manager of a custom photography lab, and self-employment as a wedding photographer and nursery school/daycare provider. For twenty years, Joanne has been a Technology Engineering Educator for the West Chester Area School District and is currently Department Chairperson. She’s a founder of Girls Exploring Tomorrow’s Technology(GETT), the first female president of the Technology Education Association of PA and is the ITEEA PA Affiliate Representative. “Technological Literacy for All” is her mantra!

3 Cal Halliburton A carpenter and building contractor, he retired from thirty-four years as a technology education teacher at Ames Middle School, Ames, IA. During his tenure he served on the board of directors of NEA, ISEA, and CEMREL Inc. He served on the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners and chaired the board of trustees of Mary Greeley Medical Center. Cal owns his own business were he develops learning programs for invention, conflict resolution, and decision-making. He holds BS and MS degrees in Industrial Education from Iowa State University.

4 Learning Materials From this presentation and other supporting information will be available Monday 03/30/15 at… Click on ITEEA Presentation and… Explore the web site.

5 Contact us by email at

6 Students Resolving Conflicts Making Choices Thank you for attending

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