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Katherine Jones, RDH, BS.  Protective eyewear for patient and operator  Basic setup  Air-water syringe  High-volume oral evacuator  Prophy brush.

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Presentation on theme: "Katherine Jones, RDH, BS.  Protective eyewear for patient and operator  Basic setup  Air-water syringe  High-volume oral evacuator  Prophy brush."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katherine Jones, RDH, BS


3  Protective eyewear for patient and operator  Basic setup  Air-water syringe  High-volume oral evacuator  Prophy brush  Pumice paste  Isolation supplies  Etching agent  Sealant material  Applicator syringes  Cotton tip applicator  Curing light and appropriate shield  Low-speed handpiece with contra-angle attachment  Articulating paper and holder  Round white stone (latch type)  Dental floss

4  Teeth must have deep pits and fissures & be sufficiently erupted

5 Cleanse the tooth with a fluoride free pumice paste to remove plaque and debris from the occlusal surface & rinse and dry the tooth

6 Cotton rolls Cotton angles Dental dam Isolite

7 Cotton RollsDri Angles

8 Dental DamIsolite


10 Acid etchant helps the sealant bond to enamel Etching tooth

11  Use the syringe tip to apply a generous amount of acid etchant to tooth surface being sealed, extending slightly beyond the anticipated margin of the sealant  Apply etch for a minimum of 15 seconds but no longer than 60 seconds  Suction etchant before rinsing  Rinse with air-water syringe and suction to remove remaining etch  Air dry tooth until tooth surface appears chalky white  Do not allow etched surface to become contaminated

12 What are some etchant precautions?

13  Avoid etching gingiva, lips, swallowing, etc… though isolation & proper application technique

14  Slowly apply a thin layer of sealant material using the syringe tip or a brush  Use an explorer or cotton tipped applicator to increase flow of sealant into pits and fissures and eliminate possible bubbles  Light cure for 20 seconds holding tip of light as closely as possible to the sealant without actually touching sealant

15 What are some sealant precautions?

16  Allergies to material

17  Use mouth mirror to check the shine and coverage of the sealant  Use explorer to gently trace the sealant for complete coverage and voids  If the sealant has not been contaminated, additional sealant may be placed to fill in voids  If sealant had been contaminated, re-etch 5 seconds, rinse and dry before placing additional sealant material

18  Check interproximal areas with dental floss  Check occlusion using articulating paper and adjust if required. If bite is high, unfilled sealant will wear down in days or weeks, filled sealant material can be adjusted using a stone or bur.  Provide the patient with postoperative instructions  Document the procedure in the patients chart.

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