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Corporate Intercession For India

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1 Corporate Intercession For India

2 Prayers For The Church Colossians 1:9-12:
Believers to be filled with the knowledge of His will Believers to walk worthy of the Lord Believers to be fully pleasing Him Believers to be fruitful in every good work Believers to increase in experiential knowledge of God Believers to be strengthened spiritually with all might to produce patience and longsuffering

3 Prayers For The Church Pursuing the “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”– spiritual maturity (Eph. 4:13) Wholehearted devotion to Jesus to mark disciples, ministries, local churches, etc (Matthew 22:37) Progressing from spiritual milk to the meat of the Word (Hebrews 5:12-14)

4 Prayers For The Church A high & exalted vision of God In His superiority and supremacy to grip believers (Rev. 1:13-17)

5 Prayers For Great Commission Vision
Pastors and leaders guiding fellowships and campus ministries into possessing a heart for cross cultural mission Great faith to believe God’s promises in the Great Commission and see them actualized (Romans 4:20-21)

6 Prayers For Great Commission Vision
For every church & campus ministry to become an incubator of vision & passion for global harvest: Grasping God’s heart & purpose for the nations as a Biblical foundation Engaging In effective prayer & intercession for the unreached & unengaged

7 Prayers For Great Commission Vision
Teaching & providing clarity on specifics of the Great Commission Preparing & sending disciples of the highest spiritual quality to the most unreached/ unengaged

8 Prayers For Message Bearers of High Spiritual Quality
Full of Humility and Meekness (Phil. 2:8-9) Walking In Boldness (Acts 4:29) Perseverant, Steady, Stable and Diligent to the End (2 Peter 3:14) Dead to self and alive to God (Romans 6:11)

9 Prayers For The Unreached/ Unengaged
Spiritual power released that enables lasting commitment and transformation in the lives of new believers – no backsliding (Acts 2:37) Removal of the veil covering their eyes from seeing and joyfully receiving Christ (2 Cor. 4:4) Widespread revelation of Jesus as the eternal God in the flesh among humanity and increasing esteem and adoration of Him

10 Prayers for the Unreached/ Unengaged
For prophetic preaching (preaching with Spirit- filled anointing, inspired by the Spirit of truth and revelation) among the unreached

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