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Students, Topics, and Delivery Options to Reinvigorate Wargaming Through Education Group 2 Outbrief Connections 2015 National Defense University 30 July.

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Presentation on theme: "Students, Topics, and Delivery Options to Reinvigorate Wargaming Through Education Group 2 Outbrief Connections 2015 National Defense University 30 July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students, Topics, and Delivery Options to Reinvigorate Wargaming Through Education Group 2 Outbrief Connections 2015 National Defense University 30 July 2015

2 Outline Task Students Topics Delivery Options Not that you asked us, but…

3 Group 2 Task Identify student sets, topics, and delivery options to reinvigorate wargaming through education.

4 What do we want to tell Dr Mears? (COS to DEPSECDEF) We appreciate your (DSD) support in accentuating the importance of wargaming. – We are committed as a community to providing you advisory and actionable support going forward – What can the members of the wargaming community (e.g., Connections) do to help you? – We believe we can help you add a definition of the term wargaming into JP 1-02, and provide a framework for discussing wargaming – We believe the three major components of the wargaming community to be addressed: Participants – who need OJT and participation to improve their skillsets Practitioners – who need some level of training in wargame design Sponsors – who need to understand the value of wargaming and its benefits/pitfalls Continue forward action and provide further guidance.

5 Student Sets- Who? (types of wargame/table top exercise participants) Customers, participants and practioners at entry level, mid career & senior ldrs Civilian – Universities: Example: International Relations/Foreign Policy Students – Non Govt Organizations Government – Senior Leaders – Interagency Rising Leaders – DHS, Justice, Commerce, Federal Regulators, State Dept, FEMA and State and local govts mid grade levels Hobby Clubs (including University Clubs) Military – NPS (used to be a class - needs to be returned as part of core curriculum) – Academies Need to ensure USNA as Wargaming as part of Ops Research curriculum – Warfighting discipline training – Professional Military Education Junior War College/Staff College Senior War College Senior Enlisted Academies? Intelligence Community – NIU could have a more structured Wargaming course to assist in strategic planning – CIA does include Wargaming in Sherman Kent School

6 Topics- What? (subjects of interest to reinvigorate wargaming through education) Clearly depends on who you are and what problems you are challenged by What is gaming?: participant, practitioner, customer: how to do?: practitioner Important to recognize the value of the practioners and their interaction how can gaming help you?: practitioner, customers: How to be a game designer/builder To use wargaming to better learn the Army’s military decision making process which concludes with COA Analysis Tactical, Operational, Strategic Levels Tactical, Operational, Strategic Levels Wargaming Courses need to make clear the roles of participants (both red, blue, umpire and multi player), designers, and benefactors Risk, Fog of War, Unknowns, Innovation Working from a common lexicon and framework of wargaming (including strengths and weaknesses)

7 Delivery- How? ways to present wargaming to reinvigorate education Participants: OJT, self development Practitioners: Formal education, OJT, self development Customers: Organizational Development, OJT, self-dev – Senior Leadership in particular need OJT/Crisis response Computer Based Delivery for any level A professional wargaming you tube site – make a “Ted talk” for wargaming (for senior leaders) Have an avenue where gamers can self organize and develop/refine their own games Crawl, Walk, Run building so participants immediately get sucked into the fun and believe they can play

8 Misc observations, takeaways Important to try and capture the ROI of the wargame for both participants and customer

9 What can we do to make Connections better next year?

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