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JMA Monthly and Seasonal Forecast Systems
Yuhei Takaya Climate Prediction Division Japan Meteorological Agency Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Outline Designing Operational Forecast Systems
Targets (Phenomena, Time scales, Applications) Requirements/Limitations Current JMA Operational Systems Monthly (uncoupled) and Seasonal (coupled) forecast systems Practical Examples Future Directions Required Activities Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
“Designing” Operational Forecast Systems
Operational Forecast Systems are to be oriented to phenomena, user applications. 10 102 103 104 Time scale (hours) Horizontal scale (km) 2 20 200 2,000 20,000 1d 10d 1m 3m Monsoon MJO ENSO Synoptic Weather Systems Teleconnections Seasonal EPS (CGCM TL km) Tropical Cyclone Monthly EPS , Early Warning on Extreme Events (TL km) Mesoscale Weather System Weekly /Typhoon EPS (TL km) Deterministic (JMA-GSM, TL km) Atmospheric convection JMA-NHM (5 km) LFM (2 km) Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Current JMA Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Systems
1 month 3 months 7 months operated models Early warning information on extreme events 2 weeks AGCM TL159L60 50 member Issued on Tuesday/Friday 1-month forecast week 1 Week 2 Week 3&4 Issued on Friday 3-month forecast 1 month CGCM JMA/MRI-CGCM AGCM: TL95L40 OGCM: deg x 1 deg 51 member Issued every month 3 months Warm/cold season forecast 3 months (summer/winter) Issued in Feb. Sep. ENSO outlook ENSO, Indian Ocean SST Issued every month The seasonal forecast system and ENSO prediction system were integrated with an atmosphere-ocean coupled model in Feb Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Requirements and Limitations
Higher Resolution Higher Frequency More Members Computer Resources Costs & Benefits Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
JMA Monthly EPS SST X200 and Div Wind Precipitation, PSI200, WAF200
Z500&WAF200 T850
JMA Monthly EPS Precipitation, PSI200, WAF200 SST X200 and Div Wind
Z500&WAF200 T850
Predictability in the Midst of Chaos - Predictability at SSS Time Scale- (Shukla 1998 Science )
Better Atmosphere, Ocean, Land, Sea-ice initialization Initial value problems (predictability of 1st kind) Inertia or memory (ocean heat content, snow…) External forcing (volcanic eruption, solar activity, green house gases…) Boundary condition problems (predictability of 2nd kind) Feedback between boundary conditions and atmospheric internal dynamics gives an additional predictability. Interaction between predictabilities of 1st and 2nd kind Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
JMA Monthly Forecast System
Atmospheric I. C. Atmospheric perturbations Trop.&Ext.-trop. bred vector 25 members start from Wednesday. 25 members start from Thursday. 50 members in total Atmospheric General Circulation Model (JMA-GSM0803C) TL159L60 (~110km) JMA Global Data Assimilation System JMA Land Surface Analysis Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Arctic Oscillation during Dec. 2009-Feb. 2010
Jan. 2010 Feb. 2010 [m] A negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) pattern was dominant through Winter 2009/2010.
Forecast Skill of Operational JMA Monthly Forecast
Anomaly Correlation Week 1 Week 2 Week 3-4 Week 1-4 Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
AO index in Winter 2009/2010 Index of EOF1 score (500hPa GPH, DJF mean) (1) 2009/12/10 (2) 2010/1/28 The winter 2009/2010 was the most prominent period during Spatial Pattern of GPH500 EOF1 (Area weighted Covariance, 22.6 %) Computed with DJF mean 500-hPa GPH. Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Prediction for negative AO Case Initial Date: 2009/12/10
1-month (4-week) mean 500-hPa GPH Anomaly Analysis (JRA-25) Forecast 120 90 60 30 -30 -60 -90 -120 [m] 0.84 1-month (4-week) mean Anomaly Correlation 0.84 Week , Week , Week Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
200-hPa Westerly Jet Initial Date: 2009/12/10
200-hPa Zonal Wind Anomaly 4-Week Mean Forecasts Analysis (12/12-1/8) Forecast I.C.; 2009/12/09 Forecast I.C.:2009/12/10 14 Strong Sub-tropical Jet Weak Polar Front Jet [m/s] Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
E-vector (Hoskins et al. 1983 JAS)
Momentum Transport Diagnostics: E-vector E=(v’2-u’2, -u’v’) Cyclonic Circulation Anti-Cyclonic Circulation E Divergence Convergence Anti-Cyclonic Circulation Cyclonic Circulation Ian N. James (1994) “Introduction to Circulating Atmospheres” Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Divergence of E-vector
Mid-latitude 30N-40N North Atlantic 30N-40N, 90W-0 x104 [m s-2] x104 [m s-2] ● Hindcast (Initial Date: 10 Dec.) Operational Forecast (2009/12/10) ○ JRA-25/JCDAS Analysis North Pacific 30N-40N, 170E-120W x104 [m s-2]
JMA Seasonal EPS Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
JMA Seasonal EPS The seasonal forecast relies on the predictability that comes from the ENSO variability. The East Asian monsoon is essentially an ocean-atmosphere-land coupled system. Coupled models are suitable for predicting its variability at a seasonal time scale. The new JMA coupled forecast system has been up and running for the JMA ENSO prediction system since Feb. 2008, and was introduced to the JMA seasonal forecast in Feb Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
New JMA Seasonal Forecast System
coupler (w/ flux adjustment) Climate Data Assimilation JRA-25/JCDAS Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled model (JMA/MRI-CGCM) JMA GSM (TL95L40: ~180km) Ocean model (MRI.COM ) 1.0°×(0.3°-1.0°), 51 levels Ocean Data Assimilation System MOVE/MRI.COM-G Atmospheric perturbations Trop.&Ext. trop bred vector Atmospheric I. C. Oceanic I. C. Atmospheric BGM + Lagged Averaging Forecast Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Operational Schedule Ocean Data Assimilation Forecasts
9 members / 5 days LAF 10 days Window NINO3 SSTA Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
South China Flood in 2010 BBC News Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Precipitation Forecasts for June 2010 (I.C. : May)
Beijing ECMWF Exeter Melbourne Montreal Moscow Seoul Tokyo Toulouse Washington Observation; OLR anomaly Original data are provided by NOAA. (mm/day) WMO LC website
JMA future plan on the next HPC
Weekly EPS TL479L100 (~40 km) in 2013 Monthly EPS TL319L100 (~60 km) in 2013 Development of integrated Weekly EPS and Monthly EPS (Seamless system) is under discussion. Seasonal EPS AGCM: TL159L60 (80?) (~110 km) in 2014 OGCM: Tripolar grid, 1deg x deg. 53 levels. Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Forecast Skill wrt Lead Time
The lead time is important at a 1-month time scale. ACC (Daily 500-hPa GPH) ACC (7-day mean 500-hPa GPH) 50 ensembles 50 ensembles Scores if forecasts 3-day before used. Based on verification of real-time JMA operational forecasts in 2006. Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Toward “Seamless Prediction System”
Week-1 Week-2 Week-3 Week-4 Weekly EPS (TL479L100) 2-Week EPS (Early Warning) Monthly EPS (TL319L100) reforecast FY2013- 2-Week EPS (TL479L100) reforecast Monthly EPS (TL319L100) FY ? FY ??? 2-Week EPS (TL479L100) reforecast Monthly EPS (TL319L100) Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Required Activities for Further Improvement of SSS time scale
International research projects to investigate predictability at monthly time scale (extended TIGGE ???) International research projects for key processes of predictability, MJO, ENSO, etc… (CLIVAR MJO WG etc. ) Standard verification framework for operational forecasts at sub-seasonal (monthly) time scale. (under WMO, CBS? SVS?) Research community Operational Community Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Thank you for your kind attention.
END Thank you for your kind attention. Hope this talk to help the coming discussion. Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec
EOF1(AO), REOF(PNA, NAO) Scores Initial Date: 2009/12/10
(a) EOF % AO, NAO, PNA Indices were well predicted. Red: Ensemble mean Blue: Analysis Grey: Each realization (b) REOF % (c) REOF %
High-Frequency Wave Activity Anomaly K=½(u’2+v’2) Initial Date: 2009/12/10
K anomaly and U300 Anomalies Analysis (JRA-25 , 12/12-1/8) K anomaly and U300 Anomalies Ensemble Forecast ( I.C. 12/10) Contours: 300-hPa Zonal Wind Anomaly [m s-1] Colors: High-Frequent Wave Activity Anomaly x 10-5 [m2 s-2] Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Convergence of Momentum Flux ∂y (-u’v’) and U300 Initial Date: 2009/12/10
∂y (-u’v’), U300 Anomaly Analysis (JRA-25 , 12/12-1/8) ∂y (-u’v’), U300 Anomaly Ensemble Forecast ( I.C. 12/10) Contours; Convergence of Eddy Momentum Flux by High-Frequency Variation ∂y (-u’v’) (contour interval: 2・10-4 [m s-2] ) Colors: 300-hPa Zonal Wind Anomaly [m s-1] Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Ensemble Perturbations
The JMA monthly forecast system produces initial perturbations using the Bred Vectors, which is specially intended to obtain large-scale growing modes in the tropics. Chikamoto et al. 2007, GRL Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Tropical Bred Vector Perturbation
The space-time spectrum of the 200-hPa velocity potential of the tropical bred vector averaged over the 10S–10N region. Hovmoeller diagrams of 200-hPa velocity potential averaged over the 10S–10N region for (a) the observed field, (b) the bred vector Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Perturbation (500-hPa GPH Spread)
OLD NEW NEW-OLD Old Singular Vector with a simplified model (NH only) New Combination of BV method in the tropics and extra-tropics (NH only). [m] Courtesy: M. Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Perturbation and Spread-Skill Relationship
N. H. S. H. New RMSE Old Spread Perturbations in tropics contribute to increase of the spread in extra-tropics. Courtesy: M. Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Precipitation in June 2010 Ratio to Normals Zhejiang 174 %
Fuzhou 157 % Based on CLIMAT reports Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
Index of 1st Mode Index of the 1st Mode
The 1st mode is well correlated with Wang and Fan Index (Wang and Fan ,1999). Wand and Fan Index : U850 (5-15N,90-130E) – U850 ( N, E) Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
2009/12/10 Z500 Analysis (12/12-1/8) Forecast I.C.; 2009/12/10
Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
2009/12/10 T850 Analysis (12/12-1/8) Forecast I.C.; 2009/12/10
Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
2009/12/10 SLP Analysis (12/12-1/8) Forecast I.C.; 2009/12/10
Workshop on “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction”, Exeter, UK, 1-3 Dec. 2010
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