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H ONG K ONG By: Lily Mainhardt 8 th Grade 4 th Hour.

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1 H ONG K ONG By: Lily Mainhardt 8 th Grade 4 th Hour


3 T HE C LIMATE O F H ONG K ONG … The climate of Hong Kong is usually warm. In the winter time it is cold in some places, with temperatures between 15 degrees and 20 degrees Celsius. And in the summer it is a hot and humid weather. Thunderstorms and light rain showers are common. The usual temperature during summer is about 30 degrees Celsius.

4 P OPULATION … The population of Hong Kong in 2011 is 7,071,576 people! The life expectancy of people who live in Hong Kong is 81 years old as of 2009.

5 S PORTS … Some popular sports are: Soccer Basketball Table Tennis And Volleyball

6 S IGHTSEEING … Here are some sightseeing places that you should visit while you are in Hong Kong: #1 Hong Kong Disneyland #2 The Big Buddha #3 The Peak #4 Ocean Park Hong Kong #5 Avenue of Stars Here is some information on these sights

7 H ONG K ONG D ISNEYLAND … In the Disneyland they have a lot of attractions there like Toy Story Land. They have things for everybody to do. You can go on roller coasters if you like the thrills. They have fun activity for the little kids. And they also have stuff for the whole family to do together.

8 T HE B IG B UDDHA … This wonderful masterpiece is located on Lantua Island. And people from all over the world to come and see this amazing statue. Did you know that it faces north towards Mainland China. It sits 26.4 meters high!

9 T HE P EAK … The Peak is the highest point in Hong Kong. When you go up there you can see all of the city! The view also makes it one of the most famous attractions that people from everywhere come to see. This is what it looks like from the top of the peak…

10 O CEAN P ARK H ONG K ONG … Opened in 1997, it is a world class marine life theme park. Featuring animal exhibits, thrill rides and shows that offer guests an experience that blends entertainment with education and conservation.

11 A VENUE O F S TARS … The Avenue of Stars pays tribute to the names that gave Hong Kong the name “Hollywood of the East”.

12 R ESTAURANTS … Some restaurants that you should visit while in Hong Kong are: #1 Din Tia Fung (Hong Kong, Silvercord Branch) #2 Caprice #3 Domani #4 La Piola

13 D IN T IA F UNG (H ONG K ONG, S ILVERCORD B RANCH )… The Din Tia Fung is rated #7 out of 3,477 restaurants in Hong Kong. It has many types of food ranging from Chicken to dumplings. They rated 4.5 stars.

14 C APRICE … Caprice has many foods including vegetable medley, stuffed tomato, and apple crumble cake. It was rated 4.5 stars.

15 D OMANI … Domani has many varieties of food. They were rated 4.5 stars. Some food that they have are pasta and tomato zuppa.

16 L A P IOLA … La Piola was rated 4.5 stars. They have many things including coffee and lobster.

17 L OCAL T RANSPORTATION … Some transportation includes: Ferry Train Tram And taxi

18 C OLLEGES AND U NIVERSITIES … Some colleges and universities are: The University Of Hong Kong Lingnan University They are both very high class schools.


20 F AMOUS P EOPLE … Some famous people are: Jackie Chan Katrina Keif

21 J ACKIE C HAN … He was in many movies, he started when he was nine! He was in Karate Kid with Jaden Smith

22 K ATRINA K EIF … She is a famous model and movie actress. She was in many different movies.

23 R EVERENCES … I went to:

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