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Aquaculture activities at the Laboratory of Virology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent <2002 ≥2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquaculture activities at the Laboratory of Virology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent <2002 ≥2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquaculture activities at the Laboratory of Virology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UGent <2002 ≥2002

2 White spot syndrome in shrimp - Aggressive and devastating disease, characterized by lethargy, lack of appetite and reddish to pink body discoloration, presence of white spots on exoskeleton - Infects many crustaceans, including most cultured shrimp species - Mortalities of up to 100% within 3-10 days - Cause of huge losses (billions of US$ per year) Etiology: White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) - Family of the Nimaviridae, genus whispovirus - Rod-shaped double stranded DNA virus - Virion has envelope with a tail-like appendage and measures 275 nm X 120 nm

3 Realisations (2002-2011) a)production & titration of WSSV in shrimp a)standardized IM inoculation model pathogenesis virulence/pathogenicity of ≠ strains susceptibility (≠ species; ≠ genetic lines; ≠ ages) treatments (antivirals, T°, immunomodulating molecules) effect of moulting/cuticula damage c) defence -> haemocytes culture in attachment culture in suspension particle uptake particle destruction -> haemolymph

4 T0’ T120’ T24h T48h T72h P. vannamei M. rosenbergii Haemocyte culture in attachement

5 T0’ T10’ T30’ T60’ T120’ T24h P. vannamei M. rosenbergii T48h Haemocyte culture in suspension

6 Particle uptake and inactivation Beads 200nm Bacteri a Beads 1µm WSSV? SOP virus purification! Vibrio ? Co-infections?

7 Future work (> 2011) a)standardized PO/PR inoculation model pathogenesis virulence/pathogenicity of ≠ strains susceptibility (≠ species; ≠ genetic lines; ≠ ages) treatments (antivirals, T°, immunomodulating molecules) effect of moulting/cuticula damage role of peritrophic membrane how to strengthen barrières (feed, water quality, flora) b) new defence mechanisms -> haemocytes uptake/inactivation ≠ viruses/bacteria/… aggregation/coagulation particle catching/isolation system outside haemocyte activation -> haemolymph ? genetic determinants?

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