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OUR SCHOOL primary and secondary Komenskeho school in Most, in the Czech republic.

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Presentation on theme: "OUR SCHOOL primary and secondary Komenskeho school in Most, in the Czech republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 OUR SCHOOL primary and secondary Komenskeho school in Most, in the Czech republic

2 Our school has a large playground.There are 3 pavilions. We have a large lawn around school. Our school is on the housing estate.We have got modern big school for six hundred students. ( Kristína)

3 You can see the pictures on the wall. There are trees,flowers and butterflies.You can see a cage with parrot. We have sport devices on the long corridor. (Jindra Hrdlička)

4 On our Czech flag has three colours. There is lion emblem small.There si two lions and two eagles emblem big. Our emblem is Czech anthem. President flag is white with alternating blue and red there are two lions and two eagles.Leaf of lime is emblem Czech republic. (Šarlota)

5 There are small flags and two large flags of European countries. In the picture you can also see plants and a map of Europe. You can see photos of European cities (Jindra Š, Samuel)

6 In this photo you can see the canteen, tables and umbrellas at the table with the chairs. We can buy snacks and supplies to school there. (Jindra Š, Samuel)

7 You can see a yellow and red parrot in the cage.There are toys for parrot. Children take care of the parrot.It is our school pet. (Matěj Lenc)

8 This is our school dinning room. We have lunch there every day.

9 You can see the gym and PE lesson. There are two gyms at our school, small and big.

10 We have recycle containers at our school.

11 There is our team in etwinning lesson in computer room. You can see Míša, Ondrej, Kuba, Honza, Matej, Kamila, Natalie etc.

12 We enjoy cooking lessons in our school kitchen.

13 Christmas decoration at school.

14 Key facts about our school 547 students 24 classes 35 teachers The programm The Health Promoting School Supporting healthy life style Friendly atmosphere here 2014

15 Komenskeho School, Most the Czech republic

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