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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION: REDESIGN BY COMMITTEE Dr. Geri J. Anderson for Innovative Educators."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION: REDESIGN BY COMMITTEE Dr. Geri J. Anderson for Innovative Educators

2 Presentation outline  Developmental education nationally  Colorado Plan  Current Innovation Examples in Colorado

3 Nationally, most fail to begin DE sequence Clery, Data Notes, 2008

4 The goal Move students as quickly and effectively through their first college level course. URGENT: Financial Aid Changes Completion Agenda Including Performance Funding Student Success

5 THE REMEDIAL EDUCATION SEQUENCE AssessmentPlacementEnrollmentCompletion

6 TRADITIONAL DEVELOPMENTAL SEQUENCE Assessment Take single standardized exam Placement Cut score determines placement in one or more levels of remedial education Enrollment Students take 1 or more courses consecutively before enrolling in gateway courses Completion Success is defined as completion of remedial course

7 ACCELERATED REMEDIAL SEQUENCE Assessment Use of multiple tools to include HS curriculum, HS GPA and diagnostic academic assessment Placement Placement is based on student motivation and precise diagnosis of deficiencies Range of cut scores, rather than a precise cut score enables flexibility Enrollment Co-Enrollment in Remedial and College- Level Course Offer single semester remedial option for students in need of more intense academic preparation Completion Success is defined as completion of gateway course

8 CCCS is…  One system  Thirteen colleges  160,000 students served annually

9 Percent of 09-10 Enrollment in DE

10 CCCS Students

11 Colorado course pipeline MAT 030 MAT 060 MAT 090MAT 099 ENG 030ENG 060ENG 090 REA 030REA 060REA 090

12 Colorado pipeline 63.6% Complete 030 65% Complete 060 61.8% Complete 090 Completion % based on 09-10 system average completion.

13 Colorado pipeline 63.6% Complete 030 65% Complete 060 61.8% Complete 090 Completion % based on 09-10 system average completion. Only 25.54% Complete

14 Three year graduation for DE versus all students


16 The Charge The Developmental Education Task Force (DETF) is charged to review developmental education practices throughout the CCCS and make recommendations on what steps the system will take to become the premier purveyor of developmental education in more streamlined and efficient ways, resulting in greater student success. Through data and research in structure and policy, the DETF will holistically examine the role that developmental education plays in overall student success. The DETF will:  Review and clarify the purpose of developmental education and analyze implications for policy and practice resulting from a clarified purpose.  Review current system policies and practices related to developmental education and propose revisions that will promote greater student success in alignment with sound academic principles and practice.  Investigate and analyze measures of success, data reports and studies on success of developmental education students.  Examine structures for developmental education, highlighting innovative and successful strategies, improving the student experience and identifying barriers to success.  On the basis of a comprehensive review, recommend broad strategies and specific initiatives related to developmental education that should be pursued by Colorado's Community College System Colleges, leading to enhanced outcomes for student learning and success.

17 Themes  Key metric – success in college courses  Time, not student learning, is the greatest barrier to success  Use evidence based practice  Continuous improvement is essential to long-term success

18 The Participants  Faculty  Deans & Vice Presidents  Advisors  Special Services Directors  Assessment Directors  System Staff

19 Remedial redesign  Reduce time to completion – accelerate students from developmental to college work  Acceleration  Compressed  Mainstreaming  Modular  Contextualization

20 Colorado assessment and placement  Accuplacer  Message about test?  Student retest options?  Cost for test?  Non-cognitive questions?  Colorado specific?

21 What’s Happening In Colorado  Elimination of the lowest level DE courses in English, math, and reading  Careful placement of students in higher level courses  Academic support systems that foster faster course completion  Academic coaching, advising, supplemental tutoring  Diagnostic assessments  Individualized course competencies developed  Modular coursework  MAT 077 – self-paced for a semester  Earn up to 13 credits of coursework  Students who score at any developmental math level qualify

22 The Reading Room  education/resources.html education/resources.html  ARTICLES & REPORTS Success Rates For Students Taking Compressed and Regular Length Developmental Courses in the Community College Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 2009. Remedial Enrollment and Completion Demographic characteristics and end of term completion status of CCCS students enrolled in remedial courses for AY 2010.



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