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The Age of Nationalism (1848—71) Following the defeats in 1848, nationalism swept across Europe Nation-states began organizing the political, social, economic,

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Nationalism (1848—71) Following the defeats in 1848, nationalism swept across Europe Nation-states began organizing the political, social, economic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Nationalism (1848—71) Following the defeats in 1848, nationalism swept across Europe Nation-states began organizing the political, social, economic, and cultural activities of the group Nationalism will lead to the creation of two new countries: Italy and Germany The Austrian empire will be tested

2 Forces Against Unity in Italy What two countries controlled Italy? – Spain and Austria Using the 1 st paragraph, outline which states and kingdoms belonged to Spain and Austria – Spain—Kingdom of the Two Sicilies – Austria—Venetia, Lombardy, Parma, Modena, Tuscany Who controlled the other states and kingdoms?


4 Major Players of Italian Unification Guiseppe Mazzini—formed the nationalist Young Italy – Wanted to establish a republic – Forced to flee Italy after 1848 failure Victor Emmanuel II, ruler of Sardinia, given title “King of Italy” in 1849 – Only independent state in Italy


6 Count Camillo Cavour—prime minister under Emmanuel II – Conservative and advocated constitutional monarchy – Seized every opportunity to seize land for Sardinia – Wanted to defeat Austria to unite Italy – Had a secret agreement with Napoleon III for support against Austrians – 1859 with help from French  Austria defeated; Sardinians gain Lombardy – By 1860, Austrians are driven out of northern and central states

7 Count Camillo Cavour (1810– 1861) used an opportunistic alliance with France against Austria and military interventions in the Papal States and southern Italy to secure Italian unification under King Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont, rather than as the republic that Mazzini and Garibaldi had advocated. © Archivo Iconografico, S.A./CORBIS


9 Giuseppe Garibaldi and southern Italy Supporter of a republic May 1860  Garibaldi’s 1,000 Red Shirts--Italian patriots landed in Sicily to aid a peasant uprising By September, he was in Naples The Kingdom of Two Sicilies fell to Garibalidi


11 Cavour and Garibaldi Count Cavour distrusted Garibaldi – Cavour wanted a strong constitutional monarchy with Victor Emmanuel II as king of Italy – Garibaldi wanted a republic Outside Rome in Sept. 1860, King Victor Emmaneul II met Garibaldi who presented all of southern Italy to the King – Garibaldi wanted a republic, but submitted in the vision of a united Italy

12 Giuseppe Garibaldi. The charismatic leader can be seen on the right urging on his troops in the rout of Neapolitan forces at Calatafimi, Sicily in 1860. Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz


14 Final Unification September 1860—Piedmontese army takes control of Papal States February 1861—Kingdom of Italy proclaimed as a constitutional monarchy with King Emmanuel II presided an Italian parliament Limited suffrage Venetia (1866) and Rome (1870) joins the kingdom


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