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Sean Bushart- EPRI Karen Kim- EPRI NRC RIC Conference-

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1 Monitored Natural Attenuation as a Remediation Strategy for Nuclear Power Plant Applications
Sean Bushart- EPRI Karen Kim- EPRI NRC RIC Conference- Panel on Subsurface Environmental Characterization, Modeling, Monitoring and Remediation March 11, 2009

2 What is MNA? (From 1999 EPA Directive)
“The term ‘monitored natural attenuation,’ as used in this Directive, refers to the reliance on natural attenuation processes to achieve site-specific remedial objectives within a time frame that is reasonable compared to that offered by other more active methods.” READ FIRST FROM THE SLIDE Perception of MNR by many federal and state agencies, and the public is initially very negative. By having a reliable, scientific and engineering-based decision process that distinguishes between those sites where contaminants are controlled by processes that destroy or strongly immobilize the contaminants from sites at which MNRA is not an appropriate remedy. It is important to note that MNR is NOT a “do-nothing” or “no action” alternative. The Science Advisory Board to the EPA advised the agency that it is an effective knowledge-based remedy where a thorough engineering analysis informs the understanding, monitoring, predicting, and documenting of the natural processes. It’s also important to note that MNR is not a “silver bullet” that makes contaminated site management go away. But, MNR can and SHOULD be a part of active site management – removing the source and allowing attenuation to complete the job. Please note that “MNR” and Monitored Natural Attenuation are used interchangeably through this, and more recent EPA documents.

3 Implementing MNA as a Remedial Strategy
MNA is NOT a “do-nothing” or “no action” alternative Knowledge/science/engineering based remedy Requires monitoring of the natural attenuation processes Incorporates three important factors: Risk to human health and the environment Contaminant mobility and/or decay Time Appropriately implemented MNA saves remediation costs The message from EPA is a) MNA should be considered at all sites and 2) involvement from multiple sectors of industries and experts is important. In the end, the user will be able to 1) determine when is MNR appropriate (concentrations, source control, timeframe for recovery), 2) understand the lines of evidence needed for evaluation (historical trends, forcast models but also bioavailability, risk, degradation potential), 3) select management tools and strategies for remedy selection (how to structure RAOs, how to consider multiple remedies, property transfers).

4 Presentation Overview
Background: Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative and EPRI Role MNA Applications for Non-Radioactive Site Contaminants and for Radioactive Contaminants Published EPRI Report on MNA


6 EPRI Task Force for Groundwater Protection

7 EPRI Groundwater Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants (1015118)
Graded Approach Baseline Program for all users Toolbox of Elevated Program Elements for increased understanding of site hydrogeology. Evaluation of Systems, Structures, Components (SSCs) and Work Practices Risk of groundwater contamination Design and condition of SSCs Understanding Site Hydrogeology and Characteristics Transport of potential groundwater contamination Developing Conceptual Site Model Implementing Groundwater Monitoring Program Installing and sampling groundwater monitoring wells Data analysis and management Review and update of monitoring program over time

8 Examples of Structures, Systems and Components (SSCs) Evaluated in Utility Groundwater Protection Programs These SSCs contain radioactive liquids and have the potential to contribute to groundwater contamination Outside Storage/Transfer Areas Spent Fuel Pool & Transfer Canal Underground Piping Underground Tanks

9 Relative Rank Radionuclide
Which Radionuclides are Most Important in NPP Ground Water Investigations? Relative Rank Radionuclide Sr-90 Cs-137 Co-60 H-3 Cs-134 I-129 Ni-63 C-14 Pu-238 Am-241 Reference: EPRI Report “Groundwater Monitoring Guidance for Nuclear Power Plants”, 2005 Ranking Based Upon: Inventory (PWR) Relative Dose Solubility Ease of Transport Through Soil (Kd)

10 Presentation Overview
Background: Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative and EPRI Role MNA Applications for Non-Radioactive Site Contaminants and for Radioactive Contaminants Published EPRI Report on MNA

11 Original MNA Work: Based upon Biological Decay of Hydrocarbons
Ex. For USTs containing BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene) Benzene will biologically decay under the proper conditions: C6H O2 → 6CO2 + 3H2O (aerobic biodegradation* of benzene) * Biodegradation... a coupling of an oxidation (electron donor) to a reduction (electron acceptor) to gain energy for the organism

12 Example: Total BTEX Projection from MNA Site*
8/93 7/94 9/95 1,450 ft Modeled Projected Extent of Plume with Advection, Dispersion, and Sorption Only Biodegradation Omitted 3,300 ft * Reference: AFCEE

13 MNA Applications for Radionuclides
DOE: Sandia Labs: A Natural Attenuation Toolbox for Metals and Radionuclides Decision-Making Framework Guide for the Evaluation and Selection of MNA Remedies at DOE Sites IAEA: Applicability of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Radioactively Contaminated Sites (STI/DOC/010/445, 2006) EPA: 2007: Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water, Volume 1: Technical Basis for Assessment Radionuclides, particularly those relevant to NPPs, can be good candidates for MNA due to their known half lives and in some cases their biogeochemical behaviors

14 Presentation Overview
Background: Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative and EPRI Role MNA Applications for Non-Radioactive Site Contaminants and for Radioactive Contaminants Published EPRI Report on MNA

15 Why a Utility MNA Compendium?
EPRI Report ( ) “Technical Guidance for MNA at Nuclear Power Plants” Why a Utility MNA Compendium? Put in Place a Guidance Document Useful to Utility Site Managers Need Consistent Utility-Industry Approach MNA is Global Across Utilities: Media Soil-groundwater-surface water-sediments Contaminants PAHs, NAPL, metals, PCBs, and other inorganics Waste Streams Oil, combustion by-products, coal tars, transformer oils, solvents First and foremost, a guidance document tailored to helping your site managers understand and manage their specific sites – be it an MGP site, plant decommissioning and property transfer, coal or fossil fuel combustion byproducts. This would include MNR strategies for different waste streams, different media and pathways. Would house and/or reference the numerous EPRI reports that have dealt with components that are germane to MNR ranging from identification of organic attenuation factors for NAPL or fossil fuel sources in groundwater to physical and hydraulic properties of coal and/or oil combustion by-products, to models that have been developed including the MARS, MYGRT groundwater transportation code, or databases such as the Combustion By-Product Environmental Analysis System. EPRI recently completed a 3-year study to assess arsenic and selenium attenuation from field leachates at CCP management sites. EPRI recently hosted a sediments-water interactions symposium. EPRI, Guidance for the selection of monitored natural attenuation as a remedial measure. EPRI. Conducted a 3-year study on arsenic and selenium attenuation. EPRI, What does an MGP candidate site look like for MNA. Integrating these documents/reports, with practical field applications and experience derived from cases studies yields an integrated set of tools that includes....READ FROM SLIDE

16 Monitored Natural Attenuation for Nuclear Power Plants
ATTENUATION PROCESS Biological Chemical Volatilization Sorption Dispersion Dilution Radioactive Decay U.S. EPA & DOE Guidance for Superfund RCRA/CERCLA Sites: Hanford Lawrence Livermore Savannah River DOE Implementation of MNA for Radionuclides EPA Guidance EPRI Environment Sector Guidance for Manufactured Gas Plants Monitored Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents, U.S. EPA REMEDIAL TECHNOLOGY FACT SHEET Inter-EPRI Collaboration EPRI Nuclear Sector Technical Guidance for Monitored Natural Attenuation for Nuclear Power Plants

17 EPRI Report (1016764) “Technical Guidance for MNA at Nuclear Power Plants”
Includes Guidance on: Mechanisms for Migration and Retention of Radionuclides Evaluating Site Suitability for MNA Remediation Objectives and Site Remediation Monitoring Attenuation Assessing MNA Progress and the Contingency Plan First and foremost, a guidance document tailored to helping your site managers understand and manage their specific sites – be it an MGP site, plant decommissioning and property transfer, coal or fossil fuel combustion byproducts. This would include MNR strategies for different waste streams, different media and pathways. Would house and/or reference the numerous EPRI reports that have dealt with components that are germane to MNR ranging from identification of organic attenuation factors for NAPL or fossil fuel sources in groundwater to physical and hydraulic properties of coal and/or oil combustion by-products, to models that have been developed including the MARS, MYGRT groundwater transportation code, or databases such as the Combustion By-Product Environmental Analysis System. EPRI recently completed a 3-year study to assess arsenic and selenium attenuation from field leachates at CCP management sites. EPRI recently hosted a sediments-water interactions symposium. EPRI, Guidance for the selection of monitored natural attenuation as a remedial measure. EPRI. Conducted a 3-year study on arsenic and selenium attenuation. EPRI, What does an MGP candidate site look like for MNA. Integrating these documents/reports, with practical field applications and experience derived from cases studies yields an integrated set of tools that includes....READ FROM SLIDE

18 EPRI Report (1016764) “Technical Guidance for MNA at Nuclear Power Plants”
Evaluating Site Suitability for MNA Site conceptual model integrating: plant layout potential contaminant sources site operating history site hydrogeology Site characterization to evaluate: nature and extent of the radioactive contamination in soil and groundwater hydrogeological and geochemical features of the site a stable or diminishing groundwater plume Evaluation of near-site receptors and near-site land and water use First and foremost, a guidance document tailored to helping your site managers understand and manage their specific sites – be it an MGP site, plant decommissioning and property transfer, coal or fossil fuel combustion byproducts. This would include MNR strategies for different waste streams, different media and pathways. Would house and/or reference the numerous EPRI reports that have dealt with components that are germane to MNR ranging from identification of organic attenuation factors for NAPL or fossil fuel sources in groundwater to physical and hydraulic properties of coal and/or oil combustion by-products, to models that have been developed including the MARS, MYGRT groundwater transportation code, or databases such as the Combustion By-Product Environmental Analysis System. EPRI recently completed a 3-year study to assess arsenic and selenium attenuation from field leachates at CCP management sites. EPRI recently hosted a sediments-water interactions symposium. EPRI, Guidance for the selection of monitored natural attenuation as a remedial measure. EPRI. Conducted a 3-year study on arsenic and selenium attenuation. EPRI, What does an MGP candidate site look like for MNA. Integrating these documents/reports, with practical field applications and experience derived from cases studies yields an integrated set of tools that includes....READ FROM SLIDE

19 EPRI Report (1016764) “Technical Guidance for MNA at Nuclear Power Plants”
“Triggers” for Assessing MNA Progress Are radioactive contamination levels decreasing at rates that meet or exceed predictions? Migration of contaminants beyond established plume or compliance boundaries Contaminants detected at locations that potentially will pose unacceptable risks to receptors Contingency soil and groundwater remediation options should be evaluated Triggers should be set so as to ensure that seasonal fluctuations or sampling variability do not trigger a contingency unnecessarily First and foremost, a guidance document tailored to helping your site managers understand and manage their specific sites – be it an MGP site, plant decommissioning and property transfer, coal or fossil fuel combustion byproducts. This would include MNR strategies for different waste streams, different media and pathways. Would house and/or reference the numerous EPRI reports that have dealt with components that are germane to MNR ranging from identification of organic attenuation factors for NAPL or fossil fuel sources in groundwater to physical and hydraulic properties of coal and/or oil combustion by-products, to models that have been developed including the MARS, MYGRT groundwater transportation code, or databases such as the Combustion By-Product Environmental Analysis System. EPRI recently completed a 3-year study to assess arsenic and selenium attenuation from field leachates at CCP management sites. EPRI recently hosted a sediments-water interactions symposium. EPRI, Guidance for the selection of monitored natural attenuation as a remedial measure. EPRI. Conducted a 3-year study on arsenic and selenium attenuation. EPRI, What does an MGP candidate site look like for MNA. Integrating these documents/reports, with practical field applications and experience derived from cases studies yields an integrated set of tools that includes....READ FROM SLIDE

20 Summary: Monitored Natural Attenuation for Nuclear Power Plants
Benefits of MNA for NPPs Effective, technically sound remediation methodology Relatively low cost compared to traditional remediation methods (i.e. excavation and soil replacement) Does not produce secondary waste Applications of MNA at NPPs Decommissioning Yankee Rowe, Connecticut Yankee Operating Plants

21 Conclusions: Implementing MNA as a Remedial Strategy
MNA is NOT a “do-nothing” or “no action” alternative Knowledge/science/engineering based remedy Requires monitoring of the natural attenuation processes Incorporates three important factors: Risk to human health and the environment Contaminant mobility and/or decay Time Appropriately implemented MNA saves remediation costs The message from EPA is a) MNA should be considered at all sites and 2) involvement from multiple sectors of industries and experts is important. In the end, the user will be able to 1) determine when is MNR appropriate (concentrations, source control, timeframe for recovery), 2) understand the lines of evidence needed for evaluation (historical trends, forcast models but also bioavailability, risk, degradation potential), 3) select management tools and strategies for remedy selection (how to structure RAOs, how to consider multiple remedies, property transfers).


23 EPRI Groundwater Protection/Remediation Guidance and Other Key MNA References
Technical Guidance for Monitored Natural Attenuation at Nuclear Power Plants , EPRI, Sep.08 Groundwater Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants: Public Edition , EPRI, Jan. 08 Groundwater Monitoring Guidance for Nuclear Power Plants , EPRI, Dec. 05 EPA Use of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Superfund, RCRA Corrective Action, and Underground Storage Tank Sites. Directive P. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. April 1999 EPA Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water, Volume 1 – Technical Basis for Assessment. EPA/600/R-07/139. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. October 2007. IAEA Applicability of Monitored Natural Attenuation at Radioactively Contaminated Sites. International Atomic Energy Agency. Technical Reports Series No. 445. Sandia Site Screening and Technical Guidance for Monitored Natural Attenuation at DOE Sites. SAND Sandia National Laboratories. March 1999. Technical Protocol for Implementing Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for Natural Attenuation of Fuel Contamination in Groundwater, Volume I and Volume II. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE)

24 Monitoring MNA Biogeochemistry (for advanced investigations)
Reference: USEPA: Site Characterization for MNA of Radionuclides in Ground Water

25 Dominant Terminal Electron Accepting Process
MNA Biogeochemistry Aerobic Respiration O2 Organics Chemical Species H2 Iron (III) Reduction Fe (III) Fe (II) SO4- Sulfate Reduction H2S Equivalents Denitrification NO3- Methanogenesis CO2 CH4 +10 Electron Acceptors PCE/TCE Mn (IV) Cr (VI) U (VI) pE -10 Dominant Terminal Electron Accepting Process Reference: DOE LBNL VIMSS Institute

26 Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity

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