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Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Add borders, shading, and styles Borders, shading, and decorative effects aren’t just for.

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Presentation on theme: "Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Add borders, shading, and styles Borders, shading, and decorative effects aren’t just for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Add borders, shading, and styles Borders, shading, and decorative effects aren’t just for holiday newsletters. Word gives you many ways to spruce up your documents all year round. Apply page borders for results ranging from playful to business-sharp. For pictures, add new style effects, such as shadows and reflections, or simple borders. Emphasize whole paragraphs with shading and borders.

2 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Add borders, shading, and styles Borders, shading, and decorative effects aren’t just for holiday newsletters. Word gives you many ways to spruce up your documents all year round. Choose from new table styles to instantly add color and formatting. Give flair to shapes with new styles and fill effects.

3 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Page borders You can add full or partial borders to a page. Word provides a variety of built-in page borders, from businesslike to fancy. The type of border, from simple box to shadowed to 3- D to a custom style of your own design. The line style, color, and thickness. The artistic style. You can choose:

4 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Page borders You apply a page border from the Page Layout tab, using the Page Border command. And you can preview your border design, so it’s easy to see how your chosen effect will look.

5 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Borders for pictures, text, and tables Try borders around various elements within a document, such as the ones shown here. Use a border to make a picture stand out. A border can nicely offset an important quotation. Borders can be very effective in tables. Apply them to every cell if you want that look.

6 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Borders for pictures, text, and tables The methods for adding borders vary depending on what you’re adding a border to. For a picture, Word 2007 offers a whole new set of picture styles that include borders as well as effects such as reflections and shading. You find these styles by selecting the picture and then working with the Picture Tools on the Ribbon.

7 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Borders for pictures, text, and tables The methods for adding borders vary depending on what you’re adding a border to. For other graphics, such as tables, and for text, you’ll find border options similar to those you’d use for page borders. These are opened from the Page Layout tab.

8 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Shading Use shading to emphasize text. These examples give an idea. Make a heading stand out. Use a quotation style and apply a shading background and border to it. Set off a list.

9 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Shading Use shading to emphasize text. These examples give an idea. You find shading options in the same place as border options: Start on the Page Layout tab, and click Page Borders.

10 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Quick styles for tables If you want to give coordinated colors and shading to a table, use one of the new table styles. These each have a unique format and use of color, for a professional result. It’s more efficient to use a table style than to try to add shading and borders row by row or cell by cell.

11 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Quick styles for tables The picture shows two examples of table styles. You apply a table style by selecting the table in the document and working with Table Tools on the Ribbon. Each draws upon one set of colors, available in a theme called Oriel.

12 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Quick styles for shapes Shapes, such as the arrows shown here, have new styling options in Word 2007. As with tables, whole packages of finished styles are available to give color and instant finish to circles, arrows, text boxes, and myriad other shapes. The arrows here have three different styles applied.

13 Decorate documents with backgrounds, borders, and text effects Quick styles for shapes Shapes have their own tools, as tables and pictures do. You first select the shape, and then work with the Drawing Tools to select a style — which comes complete with border, look, and type of fill. You can tinker as you wish with the fill and border.

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