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Evaluation of CSCI Experts by Experience Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of CSCI Experts by Experience Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of CSCI Experts by Experience Project

2 Evaluation Methodology Accompanying inspectors Visits to the area projects Participant observation at regional meetings and individual meetings Telephone interviews Questionnaires Discussions with Service User Consultants Development of interactive website

3 Service Users Reference Group Experts in older people, disability, sensory impairment, mental health and black and minority ethnic groups Met at beginning of project to consider the evaluation framework and regular meetings since Valuable discussion of website and complex issues such as inspecting home care One service user has taken over the evaluation of a project Will review final report

4 Projects in London and East Midlands Both of these different from the other seven: London: conference on elder abuse with commitment to further action East Midlands: a capacity building exercise for black and minority ethnic groups Much work to be done on both of these issues


6 South East Region Use of Comment Cards in Residential Homes Feedback from care home managers Feedback from CSCI Inspectors Recruitment issues – training implications


8 South West Creating a tool kit for people with severe communication difficulties The effect of working closely with Bristol and South Gloucester People First (BSGP) has educated everyone Development of toolkit to improve communication between residents in homes and inspectors Has educated both sides

9 West Midlands Involving service users in inspections of learning disability care homes Sandwell People First have developed a ‘job description’ for a ‘good inspector’ A route for reporting from Sandwell People First was developed at the beginning Visited 41 homes with a support worker

10 Yorkshire and Humberside Involving service users in the Framework for Social Services Departments Service users found participating very rewarding Significant number had never been involved in anything before Many felt that their involvement would create changes/potential problems of not being able to meet expectations

11 North West Region Involving service users and carers in the inspection of domiciliary care Time constraints and involving service users Revision of domiciliary care questionnaire Agencies need to make clear that –complaints are taken seriously –services will not be withdrawn

12 The Final Report Evaluation framework Methodology and tools Organisational and cultural issues Training implications Assessment of how well the programme met its aims Outcomes

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